Dad quit work forever last Friday! Hard to believe. Mom and Dad had a big party at the pub where Mom plays Irish fiddle, and they invited their "one-handed" friends (you know, I can count my best friends on the fingers of one hand). Well, they need both Mom and Dad's hands! Mom has been saying for the last year she has a long "honey do" list for Dad. So our friend Lynn brought Dad Ms. Honey Dew! She is going to help with the list... (that is mom in the background)

Our other good friend Janet (she has two great woofies, Roslyn and Tully, named for Tullimore Dew) is a great cook. She baked Dad a cake. When she asked Dad what kind he wanted, he said "You know, one of those kinds that a naked lady jumps out of." Dad! So Janet put this box on top and Dad cranked the handle..... (that is her standing up)

And out jumped a troll! Janet said it as suppose to be naked, but the company she ordered it from goofed up. Yes, that is Mom in the background in the glasses with the big mouth!

But the Troll did wish him luck!

They brought the troll home and we got to practice whapping it! First Kavan tried...

I thought I'd better investigate....

Then I gave it a whap...

Kavan looked hungry!

And he attacked! The troll was great fun!

Now Dad is home full time, it is great! Mom still is working, but is starting to spend more time home. She doesn't have any pictures from St. Patrick's night, but I know she had fun, as she had a headache the next morning, and had a hard time going to work!
What a fun party!
Congrats to your dad for quitin....quitin time!...quitin time........
Of course if I had a pet human (male or female) that stayed home, the honey do list would be endless...
1. bring me catnip
2. brush me
3. feed me
you get the picture.
Skittles, The Huntress
Troll thwapping looks like fun! We don't have our St. Pat's photos up yet either - Our beans is still recovering - they didn't go out to party - they stayed in (which sometimes can be even more dangerous!)
P.S. - Retirement is just another word fer "work at home"
KC said...
Looks like a grrreat party. Bet you are glad to haf yours Dad home full time to take care of yous.
Purrs, KC
Hooray for your dad because he'll get to spend more time with you! Willow and I were wondering if your mom was doing her Irish music. Our mom and dad went to the big parade here and then mom heard some bagpipes on St. Patrick's Day. She has lots of pictures still in her camera...
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
trolls make for good breakfast. specially pink ones.
Looks like a great big party~!!!!
I am very happy with your daddy as well~!!!
And it's so cute that Kavan play with that toy~~
Hooray for your Dad! It looks like the party was a lot of fun!
Now you need your own honey-do list for him!
Congratulations to your dad! :) It's wonderful that you have him at home now! :)
That troll looks like a great toy. :)
yeah fur daddy
I am happy for your Daddy staying home with you. Now he can entertain you both and cater to your every whim as it should be!
Great troll whapping!!! I have not whapped a troll. Maybe Mommy will get me one for my next birthday!
looks like a great party!!!!
concatulations to your dad on being 'tired!!!
You are both soooo lucky to have a full-time servant! And you even got a troll! What a bargain. The decision to bring Griffin in MY home was partly to make sure I was never alone when the servants abandon me for work or other activities, I guess it never occurred to one of them to "retire" instead.
You better get to making that list of demands for your human, maybe Yao-Lin can give you some suggestions, he has experience in the field of demands ...
Purrrs, Tamra
Oh that looks like a fun toy they brought home from the party. Have you taught your dad all he needs to know to serve you?
how fun! i'm so glad your daddy will be home with you lots and lots now.
i'm with skittles on the "honey do" list...
PS i have got to get me one of those trolls
Congratulations to your dad!
Mom's cracking up at the Troll-in-the-box cake!
Mom says: Congratulations to Dad on his Retirement! I'm sure that honeydo list will make him wish he were getting paid to work again! :-)
Whap whap whap whap!
Congrats to your dad! Now you have his lap all day long!!!!!!
What an awesome party! I wish Momma brought home troll party favors. That looks like a great toy.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Congrats to yoor dad, hope he's more helpful den ours. All he does is hang out in his pj's and make messes fur mom to clean up...
Congratulations Tara's Dad! You're going to have a blast.
A bean home all day to wait on you. Lots of treats and such.
Wow! Congratulations to your dad! We all loved the troll-in-the-box!
Congratulations Tara and Kavan for having your Dad home all the time now!!!!!
Concats to your Dad!! :D
Ha ha attack the troll! Yea for your dad!
I am so jealous. You now have a human at your beck and call each and every day. How positively wonderful!
That looks like a great party!!! Too bad you guys weren't invited....
Luf, Us
Congratulations to your dad!!! That party looks fantastic.
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