Friday, June 22, 2007

Finally Friday

Sorry I haven't been around in a few days, Mom's been very busy at work and hasn't had time to help me blog. So I've spent the time getting to know Kavan better. We've been having a pretty good time, though Mom is tired up picking up the mail every time we rearrange it. We should be around this weekend. Then Mom is gone back east to Washington DC and New York next week, so I got to get a LOT of attention this weekend!


The Meezers or Billy said...

rearranging stuff is fun!

Katnippia said...

HI Tara, and Kavan! We likes to help meowmize rearrange stuff too. Although we all pick somefing different to arrage, hehe. We hopez youz have a good weekend...Sia



WE move stuff all the time. It's fun keeping Momma on her toes.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh yes, if mom's going away den yoo hafta get lots of cuddles in afore she leeves. We don't rearanje stuff but Speedy likes to get on da table and kick moms mail and stuff on da floor behind da table. We all think it's funny when mom hasta crawl unner da table to get it.

LZ said...

OOOH! Your mom is coming out our way!! How cool!! I'm glad you're getting to know Kavan better, its nice to have some feline companionship now and then.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I'm glad that you and Kavan are getting to know each other better! Rearranging the mail sounds like fun!

Sammy's World said...

Hi Tara! My mom just started letting me blog and I'm trying to make some kitty friends.
Hope you have a great weekend!!
Sammy Cat

zevo hussein calamari said...

Sorting the mail is a great way to confuse your pet human. Good work!


Unknown said...

hmmm, sorting the mail...that is something we haven't tried yet. Maybe sooon!

Thanks for your pawsitive thoughts for Conner!

Zoey and the furballs said...

Wow your mommy's really busy. Good think you have Kavan to keep you company.

Just Ducky said...

Mum is taking it easy tonight too. So I can check out the blogs.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

I'm glad that you and Kavan are gettin' along better and better each day. With your momma gone so much, it's good to have a companion when your dad's busy.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

wow you haf a brudder now. sit on him ~the fluffy tribe

Mo and The Purries said...

Glad you're getting more used to Kavan (we just love that name!), and hope you get lots & lots & lots of extra TLC this weekend!
daphne & chloe
(and not the mama, too!)

Anonymous said...

It's good you and Kavan are getting along better. Me and my new brother Clyde get along better everyday. I have high hopes for us. Sometimes.

Lux said...

That's great that you and Kavan are having fun together - your mom should be grateful to you for organizing the mail!

The Cat Realm said...

We like rearranging! Keeps the personal attentive!

Zoey and the furballs said...

Our mommy's e-mail is Since you have a whirly-bird, I'll send Mommy shopping (I love when she does that because she always brings back something for me too!). I have a few things in mind that I think you all might like.

Forty Paws said...

Oh yes. It's always good to remind your mom that you are still around to help her.

Too bad she has to go back east next week. We hope your dad takes care of the litter boxes properly since there are 2 of you now!!!

Luf, Us

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I'm good at organising the mail too. I like to sleep on it, then when I wake up, I like to bunnykick it efurry where.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Hehe, we always love to find stuff to re-arrange. Mommy and daddy never get it right!

~Donny and Marie

Tara, sounds like you are finally enjoying the company of your lil bro, yay!! As much as Donny and Marie annoy me, I still love them lil brats...
