Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: 13 things I did to Kavan

Thirteen things I did to Kavan this week.

1. Ate his crunchies
2. Ate his stinky goodness
3. Drank his water
4. Used his liter box
5. Slept in his room on MY snuggle
6. Teased him though the glass door when I got to go outside and he didn't
7. Ignored him
8. Chased him into the tunnel
9. Wrasseled him onto the floor
10. Mouthed him when in a bear hug
11. Chased him up the stairs
12. Used the scratching post in front of him to show him who owns it
13. Felt superior when he had to go into his nursery during the day, and I got the rest of the house

All in all, it was pretty fun.


Zoey and the furballs said...

Ha ha ha ha! It sure looks like you are showing Kavan who's boss!

Kimo and Sabi said...

That's my meezer gurl!

P.S. please sign da petition fer us to git a stroller!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Sounds like you showed Kavan who's in charge, Tara! Great job. :)

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Now this is a listy! Girls just wanna have fun!
Go little princess....go
Luf Miss Peach

Daisy said...

Way to go, Tara!!!



That's right gurlfriend you show him that no matter what you are the boss and he better check with you first!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yup, start showing dem who is da boss rite away.

LZ said...

Good girl Tara!! You're really asserting yourself!


Ali & Fiona said...

Fiona says you are right, just wait until he gets bigger then you.....

The Meezers or Billy said...

good job Tara - you must always show who is the boss to the little ones

The M's said...

We girls must stand up for ourselves..if we don't who will?

Forty Paws said...

Whoa Tara!! What a domineering big sisfur you are!!! You go girl!

Luf, Us

The Furry Kids said...

Great job!!!

Kat 3 said...

Looks like you are a perfect big sisfur!!

P.S. We went to Off Leash in Turlock, and it has lots of cute clothes. You should check it out. Ca-yoooot Tees and sweaters. (We bought a new water/food bowl set on a serving tray and some collar ruffles.)

HRH Yao-Lin said...

*snigger* he he well done Tara. A princess after my own heart!x

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Tara, you will always be in charge

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

You need to set the record straight right from the get-go. Give them little ones an inch, they will take a mile. I know from sperience this is true.

*looks at Precious*


Hot(M)BC said...

hehehe go Tara!
your bud Pepi

Samantha & Mom said...

Way to take charge, Tara. You showed him who was boss in your house. Great TT.
Samantha & Tigger

Anonymous said...

I don't get stinky goodness anymore. It's not fair. My Lady said I became too picky and never ate anything she gave me. I think she should try harder. I do get tuna more often now, though.

Forty Paws said...

Oh Holy Gone With the Wind, Tara!!! That makes me feel a LOT better that it was 103F there today. Now I feel pawsitively chilled!

Luf, Dorf

Ivan from WMD said...

Caroline's proud of you but I think you should give your little bro a break.

Lux said...

Sounds like you were *very busy, Tara!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

As they say, "You go, girl!" You must establish your dominance from the beginning; there should be no "payback" when he's older.


Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow, I wish I had a baby bruther so I cood show him hooze boss like yoo do!

Phoebe said...

I'm sure you have to keep order in the house, Tara. But try to be nice to him too sometimes.

snowforest said...

U sure are the queen of ur castle! Way to go Tara!

Parker said...

There 'ya go Tara, you know how to handle a little bro!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh yeah, you're the big sister! Great job Tara. My mommy (as a big sister herself) is proud of you. I'm jealous you got to eat 2 sets of crunchies!