Saturday, August 25, 2007

Seven strange things about Mom

Megan of Bad Kitty Cats tagged Mom for the seven strange things meme. I'll do it for her, so I can list what I think are strange things about her!

1. She enjoys the strange looks she gets when she takes me for walks in my harness. Especially when I have my cute shirts on.

2. She can sense when friends or family are thinking of calling her on the phone, and usually calls them before they call her. They always say "I was just thinking of calling you!"

3. When Dad is on travel and she doesn't have to go to work, she can spend days not talking to any other bean, with no TV or newspapers, although she would have a hard time not talking to me or Kavan, or not getting on the innernet.

4. She loves to run, but will also spend hours walking, especially when alone while traveling for work. She will spend all evening walking around places she is visiting, often getting back to her hotel room way after dark.

5. She often forgets to brush her hair all day, even when at work and going to important meetings... its very long, so sometimes it can look pretty snarly...

6. She wants to come back as a fat, spoiled Siamese.

7. She played around with witchcraft as a kid, but never got very good at it.

I'm not going to tag anyone, as Megan tagged lots, but if you want to play, please do!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Mom's (and mostly dad's) are weerd. It's funny dat yoor mom don't brush her hair, ours forgets sometimes too.

Bogdan, the editor said...

We are late in wishing you a happy birthday, but we will wish you now ...


-Your Morning Scratch pals

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's a very cool meme! I agree with Zippy, Sadie and Speedy - most humans are weird. My mom has long hair, but it's usually braided or in a bun, so she doesn't have to brush it.

Daisy said...

Your mom sounds fun. Walking a lot is very good. I think it is funny that she forgets to brush her hair sometimes.

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Oh wow, your Mama is Great! We knew she would be. She has so many excellent strange things about her. Our Human can relate to brushing her furs, but they are not as long as your Mamas. Thanks for playing! Ahahaha we did tag more than our share... oops. But we rarely ever do a tag thingy so no foul!

Loves and Purrs and Zed sends many air kisses.

The Meezers or Billy said...

moms is sometimes weird, but yours seems pretty normal to us!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

ha ha ha, snarly hair, mommie forget to brush hers during the day too, i can make it snarly by dancing in mom hair

Gemini said...

I like the meme. Momma also loved the way people looked at her when she walked the Siamese who came before on a leash.

Chey wants to point out that Siamese are not typically fat.

Unknown said...

I can think of way more than 7 strange things about My Lady. I will definitely play this meme game.