Monday, September 17, 2007

Meezer Monday: Drinking techniques

I heard Mom and Dad say this weekend they had to watch what (really, how much) they drink. We meezers also have drinking techniques.....
Kavan demonstrates the importance of making sure there is something in that glass....
before sticking your face in it.
Here I demonstrate that sometimes its just easier to lay beside your water dish.....
I'm into energy conservation (which is why I weigh 11 pounds.....)


Kimo and Sabi said...

Kavan is furry smart...but wait 'till he tries that wif a yogurt cup!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I have never tried drinking out of a glass. You have a very good energy conservation technique, Tara.

Karen Jo said...

Kavan has a great technique for finding out if there is enough water in the glass to make it worthwhile sticking his face in. I like your energy conservation method. Thanks for being understanding about the blogging every day thing.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We fink yer ennerjy conservayshun way is probly the best. I don't fink my face would fit in a glass.

None said...

If there is a glass somewhere, one must put its head in it! That's my philosophy! The tricky part is making sure the glass doesn't fall, the servants don't usually like that and come running. Good job Kavan!

So what's energy conservation?

LZ said...

Yeah, drinking is really an art form. You are obviously very skilled.


Mickey's Musings said...

Kavan is silly! Haha. he must spend lots of time washing his face if the glass is sticky.
You on the other hand are smart to lie ,all comfy, to drink!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Tara! you haf stripeys in your back legs like I has on mine! that's so cool!!!

I like to drink Mommy's ice water when she's not looking.


Gemini said...

I think you are just big boned Tara. You do not look that heavy.

The Furry Fighter said...

ooo i haven't tried anything but my bowl! castle drinks from the tap sometimes but i am 'just-so' and do things corectly! :)


Kavan better watch what he sticks in paws into...


Daisy said...

Sometimes I sniff up some water, just to make sure it's there, before I drink. Water feels funny in the nostrils.

Parker said...

Hmmmm, I'm going to try lying down when I eat. It might be fun!

Katnippia said...

Hi Tara and Kavan!
We'z finks youz both have very good techniquez. we all use the paw in the cup or bowl one thoughz.

Anonymous said...

I think that I drink a normal amount. Clyde on the other hand drinks like a fish. He can go and go and go and go and go!

Lux said...

You're funny, Tara! I like your idea of energy conservation ...