Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Gotcha Day Party!

Mom and Dad have had the privilege of my presence for an entire year now! They should consider themselves very fortunate to have such a royalty in their midst (and then they had to go and get Kavan....). This is what I looked like one year ago today, I was 11 weeks old.

Because Mom rightfully felt bad about missing my birthday, she is slaving hard on my gotcha day party!

The backyard is still ready from the road trippers visit. We have ham...

and niptini's......
and growing in our backyard we have a plant that looks something like this.....

although Mom is not sure it is catnip, I really like going over and smelling it.

Now for the door prizes. Here are two pictures that were on Mom's camera when she got back from Hawaii.

Picture 1. Mom says this should be pretty easy, Kavan thinks it looks like a water alien....

Picture 2. Mom says this might be a little harder.

You need to be very, very specific on your guesses.

The first kitty, woofie, or bun to figure out Picture 1 gets a great boogie mat!

But if you don't know, guess! The most imaginative wrong answer will get a calming mat, which should help settle down your nerves from trying so hard to figure it out.

For Picture 2, the first one correct gets this very cool tunnel in a handy carrying case....

And for the most imaginative, wrong answer, a cat sack!

And of course, all winners get Temptations!

One guess (per picture) per kitty, bun or woofie. And only one winner per kitty, bun or woofie (so if you get both of them right, you only get the prize for the first guess). And I can change the rules at any time, because of course it is my party. I'll announce the winners on Thursday, so get your guesses in by Wednesday (Nov 7) by 9 pm PST.

UPDATE: Okay, Mom was a dope and put captions on the pictures that you could see when you biggified them. She changed that, but the identities have been guessed. But the most imaginative guess is still up for grabs. If you don't want to know what they are, don't read the comments, but put in a good guess! Abby got #1 and Zippy got #2. I should say, Zippy got#2 without seeing the caption, and the caption on #1 was not as specific, and only Abby got it right.

Have fun everyone!


Gemini said...

Oh this is so nice Tara! I love your party. I am going to have to think on picture number one. I think picture number two is taken looking up from the center of the Arizona.

Gemini said...

Oh dear, I meant the memorial, not the real ship!

Happy Gotcha Day!

Karen said...

picture one looks like a underwater plane. A wreck.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ha, piksher #1 is an oil slick on top of a tidal pool...right? Cuz we sawed an oil slick in da naybors kiddie pool but we know dat dey haf tidal pools in Hawaii and we just bet dat is what it is!
Piksher #2 hahaha, mom sed it is looking up thru da dome in da capital...wait, is dat it? If mom sez so den dat must be it, she wouldn't lie to us or try to fool us so dat must be it.

Leslie said...

Happy happy day!!

MaoMao said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Tara! You are a wunnerful kitty and a fabyoolus Royal Meezer, and I know your Mom and Dad must love you furry much.

Hmmmm, those pickshures...

I'm gonna guess #1 is a satellite image!

And I'm gonna guess #2 is the view frum an outhouse without a roof. Hehe! You can tell I'm goin' fur most imaginative.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Happie gotcha day! Yer peepul are soo luckie and so are we. Yoo were so tiny last year, tara!! Awww

Ok #1 is a huje fishie with arms and legs and a hard bak. Yep, thats the offishul name fur it. Anyone else think of anothur name? (she said spacifik names only wins). #2 is easy...its a ginormous, modurn, luxurious, openned roofed litturbox!!!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

The first one is a turtle, swimming under the water! :)

Happy Gotcha Day Tara! :) You were an adorable little kitten and you have grown into a beautiful Meezer princess. :)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah My God~!
This is a wonderful party~!!!!

I think I just let other one win, because I really don't know what that is, hahahha~!!!

Anyway, Happy Gotcha Day~!
That is very very great meaning day~

Kimo and Sabi said...

Yep - we agree #1 is a turtle.

#2 might be da view from da inside of a human PTU?

HAPPY GOTCHA DAY - whut a great party!

Myst and Blackie said...

Happy Gotcha Day Tara... I hope you have a wonderful day.


Daisy said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Tara! I cannot believe it has been a whole year already. I can still remember when you were just a kitten.

I was going to guess that picture #1 is oil slick on water, but Zippy, Sadie and Speedy already guessed it! I am pretty sure picture #2 is the tunnel that all cats must eventually travel through to get to the Rainbow Bridge.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Happy Gotcha Day Tara!
We is not too imajinittive but picshure #1 looks like an oil slick ofur a sunken ship. PIc. no. 2 is lookin up from da hole in da ship dat goes to da human baffroom.

Parker said...

Tara, HAPPY GOTCHA' DAY! Gotcha Days are the very best days, you were an adorable kitten!
Here are my guesses -
Photo #1 is a wiggley rainbow that fell out of the sky and landed in some water. Right?
Photo #2 was harder but I think your Mommy took a ride in a hot air balloon and had a few glasses of wine, then she laid down on her back and took a picture of the sky!
See? that was easy!


Picture Number 1 is the oil coming up from the Arizona and Number 2 is from inside the memorial of the Arizona...

Ok I don't know what Mom is talking about but she told me to say that...


HAPPY GOTCHA DAY TARA! Those pictures of you as a youngster bring back lots of memories.

Honey P. Sunshine said...

Happy Gotcha Day Tara, i have not idea wat the fotos are

Anonymous said...

You must have been a beautiful baby cat (and you were!), 'cause baby, look at you now! Happy Gotcha Day to you, Tara, and many more!

I was going to guess on the photos, but Debra and Abby already guessed what I was going to write. When my sister was in Hawaii she told me oil still seeps to the surface from the U.S.S. Arizona ever since it was sunk at Pearl Harbor in 1941.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Zippy guessed right! (The pics had the descriptions on them...) ;)

But I still want to guess. I think #13 is how the world looks through Tripper's eyes, and #2 is...is...

It's a big hole with teeth! Big pointy teeth. IT'S A VISHUS HOLE!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wate, der were titles on da pikshers? Where? Mom knows da second one cuz a frend went to Hawaii (mom called her a witch wif a B but we don't know what dat means) and she took a piksher like dat, but we like a vishus hole better...ooo now we scairt ourselfs a little bit! Dis is a wonderful party, Tara, and now that we've digested our turkey we camed back fur HAM! Happy Gotchaday pretty Princess Tara.

Zoolatry said...

Happy Happy Tara Happy Happy Gotcha Day... what a sweet thing to gift others. You are a special lady (and an adorable kitty...)

Zoolatry said...

Monty Q. Einstein is too, too smart for all the rest of us! Yup: pictures have "names" on them, oh dear, oh my. But HAD we made a guess, we would have said:
(1) The Loch Ness Monster... a long, long way from home!
(2) Mom got to stay in a super special hotel room, with a big kingly postered bed, and overhead a skylight to watch the sunset and stars! (And if she didn't stay in that kind of room ... she should have...)

Tara said...

I'm glad everyone is having a great time! I'm having another niptini (even though its only 6:45 am here), as the guesses are more fun to read a little tipsy!


Tara said...

Opps, so Mom's not very smart about pictures (she will remember that next time), so they have been all been guessed, although Abby was the first one to actually get #1 right. Zippy got #2.

But there is still the most imaginative guess for each up for grabs!


PB 'n J said...

Happy Gotcha Day Tara! What a great party - we're heading over to have some ham. Hope you have a super-happy day!

None said...

HAPPY GOTCHA DAY!!! You were such a cute kitten! You have the same blanket as me in that first picture again. I had a great time preparing my two guesses.

The first one is clearly a turtle cycplose in an oil spill. As you can see it has just one eyeball and spikes on the head (see link)!

The second one is obviously a meezer chasing a mouse (see link)!

Those were real though to break down Tara, its a great party idea! Glad I got to spend this time with you ...and Kavan ;)

P.S. Let me know if you can't see the images

Gemini said...

Where were the captions? I did not see them when I voted. Momma recognized the second photo.

LZ said...

Happy Gotcha Day beautiful Tara!!! I can't believe we've known you a year. You've grown into such a gorgeous lady cat. Meowmy was happy her guess about #2 was right even though she's never seen it.

I have to say that #2 looks like a human PTU to me. One that tortures humans for not helping you blog when you need them too. You can dangle things up there they might want (like food, electronic toys, cat purrs) and they have to sit on the bottom and worry about going to a 2 hour VET visit where they get shots and only a prescription for something they already take (not that Meowmy knows or anything....)


Samantha & Mom said...

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 1st Gotcha Day Tara!!! And many, many, many mooore!!
Your baby pictures are the cutest and you throw a great party!! As for guesses #1 is a wrecked UFO and it's leaking the aliens green blood!! Ah ha, proof at last!
Your FL furiends,

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Happy Gotcha Day! Hope I'm not party crashing visiting for the first time on your party! The ham is great, and this was my first niptini!

Imaginative Guesses:
1. Looking down on Merkitty bonfires with the smoke billowing thorough the waves.

2. Sitting in a box kite, looking out at the sky, while in flight

Tybalt said...

Wowz! What confusing pictures! The second one looked like you were looking up from the middle of a japanesy temple.


You were one gorgeous kitten!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

My dearest lil sis, Happy Gotcha Day! You looked very adorable when you were little...now you're just stunning!!

Anyways, my most imaginative guess for #1 is a water ghost...and for #2, well, it looks like you're in the middle of a courtyard.


Tara!! In #2, Did they trap you in a dungeon??? Do you need to be rescued??? I can rescue you from space if need be!

~Donny the Astro-kitty

Hi Tara, Happy Gotcha Day!! I think picture #1 is a ginormous yellow catnip mouse stalking your mommy underwater. I can defend your mommy by chasing it for her and putting the bitey on it! Would she like that?? For picture #2, I think you must be in the middle of a launch pad for a space shuttle...do you want to be an astro-kitty too??


Mr. Hendrix said...

oh Tara, you were such a cute little kitten. it is obvious from that photo you were destined to grow up pretty and regal.

I think #1 is a PB&J fish swimming by.

#2 is obviously a bamboo and metal prison built to keep my evil alter ego Bendrix in line. He does need sunbeams and fresh air tho so the ceiling is high.

Happy Gotcha Day Tara! Your yard looks wonderful and the buffet delish.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Ok, I fink #1 is sum kinda fishy swimmin unner an oil slick.
#2 is lookin up frum a litter box that's got sum kinda cool fence round it fur privacy.

Happy Happy Gotcha Day, Tara! Can't stay, but can I snatch a few bites of hamm? ::spin:: Please? Purr, purr.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Happy Gotcha Day Tara and thank you for inviting us to such a lovely party! Our creative guesses are for #1 - after too many niptinis, what happens when kitties lean over the boat and yak in the water (Jack) or a school of swimming ginger catfish (Dante)!! For #2 - The generator for the biggest sunbeam any cat ever slept in (Jack) or the launch pad for the space shuttle (dante)

Bogdan, the editor said...

happy gotcha day!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Happy Gotcha day Tara!!! the party is fabulous!!!

Leona said...

You were just the cutest little kitten ever!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

happy gotcha day to you tara!!!!


The Crew said...

Happy, happy gotcha day, Tara. You were so cute & little and look at you now...a grown woman. We'll be over for the party!

Your friend

Anonymous said...

Hey Tara, Happy Gotcha Day! How exciting. I love parties. I'm gonna go and have some ham and niptini's right now.

None said...
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None said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
None said...

Just noticed that my links didn't work in my other post! Let me try again!

Turtle that became Cyclopse as the result of living in an oil spill


A meezer chasing a mouse!


Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Tara!! We're havin' lotsa fun, we hope you are too!!

Magoo, Smudge, Bella & Dolce said...

Happy Gotcha Day! Bella and Dolce aren't allowed to come to your party because they took off for a walk in the neighborhood.

They both know that this is not allowed so they are both under house curfew.

Magoo and Baci can come over though.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Hi Tara! Wow, what a great party! You were such a cute little kittengirl!

I think I'll have a niptini and look at those pictures a bit and try to come up with answer!

Happy Gotchaday!


Ooooo! You were SOOOOO cute! Happy Gotchaday! Ham? Niptinis? What's that plant? ::sniffsniff:: Oh, look at the birdies!!!


Mickey's Musings said...

Happy Gotcha Day!!!!!
Looks like water and sky,hahahahah!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Happy Gotcha Day Tara!!!!! You were such a cute kitten and now you are a beautiful lady!

Tara said...

Oh, my brain is hurting, there are so many cool, imaginative answers! We are going to have a hard time chosing...

Another niptini and some ham is in order!


Pumpkin said...

Happy, happy Gotcha Day Tara! Yoo shoor were a KYOOT little poodin last yeer. I'll haff sum ham and I want to check owt that vury interesting plant.

I'z glad yore Momma had a good time in Hah-why-eee. Her timing wuz good cuz she missed all the big rain we bin haffing. Momma kinda knew whut that second pikchur wuz. (She can see it frum the windows ov her office.) At furst glance that furst pikchur made her fink of wun ov the creechurs in the TV show Invasion frum last yeer that gotted canceled. Too bad we won't effer find owt if the aliens took over. I'd like to fink that all the poodins in the werld werked togethur to stop them since WE succeeded in werld dominashun afore they had a chance! Muahahaha!

Just Ducky said...

First, happy gotcha day. It is wonderful when we get to our furrever home.

Now, since the official answers have been gotten. I can go for outrageous.

The second picture is the view your mum had when laying in her bed!!

Just Ducky said...

Now, I will get me a plate of ham and a niptini. And settle in for some nice chat with my fellow kitties.

Beau said...

Okay, I'm going for imagination...
the first one is the loch ness monster! heehee!!
Happy Birthday and Gothca Day!!

Fat Eric said...

Happy happy Gotcha Day, Tara! Hope you are having a great day.

Anonymous said...

This is a cool party! I had to come back for another niptini! Mmmmmm.

Karen said...

i never said happy gotcha day :)

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

A niptini and three cheers for my lil sistah Tara!!


Karen said...

I also did not notice the cation and I can not find abbys answer to what number one was

Gemini said...

I think picture number 1 looks like Kaze in her mermaid outfit underwater--except I doubt Kaze would be happy underwater.

Cheysuli says it's Jack Bauer after Momma pushed him in. She's really upset about stuff like that. It could hurt her relations with the CTU... Sigh.

Picture number is what a bug sees when I stretch out my claws to attack!

He HE Momma says she was so asleep this morning that she misread which what was what and only read Abbys entry not Zippys! oops.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Happy Purthday Tara! Are there still some Niptinis?

Anonymous said...

Happy Gotcha Day, dear Tara! I hope you are having a lovely day. I brought some tuna puffs for everyone to enjoy!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

I think the first picture is clearly a Conversation Fish. See?

And the second picture is the view from inside a nip tin outside!



Jake and Bathsheba said...

Oh, Happy Gotcha Day, Meezer Princess Tara! Kittens grow up so fast.

As for our guesses, here goes:

1. A spotlight on an aardvark picture in the sand.

2. A vision of freedom from inside the prison box.

Those guesses came after a few dishes of niptinis. Thanks!


Tara said...

Iza havnn agoood time..hicup..hmmm...maybe no more niptinis...headin' over to Artzy Catzy....


Artsy Catsy said...

Hi Tara (hiccup). Thanks for dropping by and nipping a few with us. Wow, (hiccup) what a party night, huh? I would guess what your pics are, but I stopped seeing straight several hours back. I think I ham too many hadtinis (hiccup).

Rocky (hiccup)

Artsy Catsy said...

By the way, gorgeous is as gorgeous was. And you are! (hiccup)


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Okay, Zippy has had a lot of niptinis and we'z getting party fateege. Lovely party Tara, thank you fur inviting us it was grate and Happy Gotcha day...again.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

My guesses on the picccccturrrrrrrrre (hic) are up!

OooooSorrysorrysorry, all th' niptinis here and there and here and everywhere....

Whoa! ::sits::

My head feels funny.

I guess pic...pic....pic..cher one is a slekie skins. I mean SELkie skin!

ANd the second is the skome hole of Valhalla. Skome hole...skome hole....OH SMOKE HOLE!!! Yeah! THAT one!!!



Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

OH!OH!OH! You gotta go to my site for the whole story on the selkie skin!!!!


Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...



Oooo! Guess what Jack? There are TEMPTATIONS in the birdie feeder!!!



Forty Paws said...

Happy Belated Gotcha Day Tara!!! Sorry we missed it yesterday! Concatulations on having been adopted for 1 whole year!

Luf, Us

The Cat Realm said...

Happy belated gotcha day, I am sorry I missed the party - whenever we have a Dare up I am just a bit confused about visiting....

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Zed Monster here. I, Zed monster, am rather upset with the lack of human compassion when I want to come see my beautiful friend Tara and send air kisses. Our internet has been off for a few days and we are late :(

I, Zed Monster, would have been winner hahahaha... my dadman guessed it with me right before we came in here to comments. But since he lived there for ever, he cheats. But for my, Zed Monster, Real Answers...

#1 Is a pool of SeaMonkey's that escaped from Daisy Curly Cat and swam over to visit with sunken pirate ships. You know, to haul the booty back to Florida.

#2 Of course, this must be the view the Bad Kittens Three will have once I catch them and trap them. No more will I have to share my blog. Or my MakeUps Brushes Or Toys Or Treats. They will stay put in the black hole for annoying kittens and remain. Notice the spikes at the top? But at least it's a pretty view.

Tara, I, Zed Monster, am sending many many purrs and kisses and hugs and scritches and squishy snot face love too. All my love, and if you like we can trap Kavan too if he doesn't behave.

I, Zed Monster, am signing off.

Happy Birthday from the OTHER Bad Kitty Cats. We are singing Happy Birthday while Zed Monster sits in time out again. Purrsssss