Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Furry Frustrated!

I am furry frustrated. Poor Mom has been helping me late into the night the past few nights working on a valentine for Kimo. She doesn't have all the cool software programs to do what I really wanted to do, but we made what I thought was a very nice Powerpoint show. Then Mom recorded herself playing fiddle for the music sound track into her I-Pod (she has an older one with a voice recording function). The plan was to save the Powerpoint as a Quicktime movie with her sound track. We tried this with an MP3 file we had and it worked cool. But we have run into two BIG problems. First, YouTube doesn't recognize the Powerpoint movie as a regular Quicktime move, and we don't have Quicktime Pro to save it as a regular Quicktime movie.

And second, Powerpoint doesn't recognize the wav file the I-POD made. So she recorded herself onto her minidisc recorder (it sounded much better anyway), and was going to make a CD from her stereo system, then rip that as an MP3. But Dad changed all the wiring on the stereo system and it won't work! Mom is in tears.

So I'll probably send Kimo the powerpoint movie without the sound track (it really isn't as nice without it), so at least he can see it. But I guess I can't enter it into Skeezix's contest. And I'm sorry I haven't been around to everyone's blogs...this has been taking so much time! I'm going to go eat some more bugs......

UPDATE: Mom was able to figure out how to convert the wav file to an aiff file, and was able to complete the Powerpoint-derived Quicktime movie. It still won't upload to YouTube. So if you would like me to send it to you so you can see it, leave a comment with your email address. Its about 12MB.


Daisy said...

I would love see (and hear) it! My address is:


Awwww Tara yu did lots and lots and had all kinds of tribbles. We is so sorry. My Momma doesn't have any of da fancy stuffs to make speczhul prezzytatshuns eifur. So she just used some nice grapfics and helped me rite my werds and we put our up on Skeezix's bloggie. We wood like to see yurs...our emails is bronze8ATgmailDOTcom.


Daisy said...

I SAW THE VALENTINE!!!!!! It is really amazing. It is a Movie with special Music! Everycat has to see this one!!!

Skeezix the Cat said...

I sent yoo an emale, Tara. Don't werry, we'll figyer owt a way to git it enterd into the kontest! Just send it to my Food Lady's adress that I sent yoo.

Anonymous said...

we'd love to see it
and we know Skeezix will get it into the contest somehow. he's a great guy!

Madness said...

Oh Tara we would also love to see your movie. If you can please wend it to us at: