Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Aliens take over Dad!

What are you doing Dad?

Oh my gosh, that looks like the tail of a Comet!

Are aliens making you do that???

TAARRRA!!! Aliens have taken over Dad!! They are making him make a comet!

No Kavan, aliens don't have Dad. You need to stop watching those TV shows on Area 51.


Kimo and Sabi said...

Hmmm...we see wheels. Is yer dad makin' you a stroller?

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, your dad looks very handy, Tara and Kavan. I don't know what he's doing, but I don't think aliens have taken him over. His eyes aren't glowing like a Goa'uld's.

Parker said...

I wish he was putting a stroller together!

LZ said...

Boy Tara, its a really good thing that Kavan has you for a big sister because he might be way to askeered.


ASTOR CATS said...

It looks BIG! With all those sparks flying - be careful - don't get too close. Fire and cats don't mix.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

I think my bean is an alien. I watch those shows too.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Kavan, I believe you - the aliens are for shur making your dad do that. Aliens live in backyards you know. Do you want to come over here and see all the aliens that are in MY backyard? - Sammy

Mickey's Musings said...

There's a lot of stuff there.The aliens are getting your Dad to make a spaceship,maybe?
Look out they don't take you!

Gemini said...

Wow. What is he doing? Was he watching this Old House while Kavan watched the Alien movies?

Daisy said...

I cannot figure out what that thing is going to be. But your dad looks like a good builder, so it will probably be something good.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, he looks busy. Is he making you the hugest kitty house in the world?!

Team Tabby said...

Kavan you have a furry good imgination. Yer dad can make sparks fly. Cool!

Moe & Mindy

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, now we gets it. We always wondered what it was dat made our dad make sparks and build weerd stuff...it's aliens. Thanks fur telling us about dat Kavan.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is very funny you circling~! I am sure your Daddy is fine.