Friday, September 14, 2007

Finally Friday and Meme

Goodness, I'm so glad it is Friday! Those of you who warned me loosing his hoo-ha's might not slow Kavan down don't know the half of it! I think the drugs have made it worse! Maybe being a little lighter makes a difference too. What ever, I'll be glad when he is finished with the Metacam!

Fortunately, my fantastic adopted mother Chey tagged me for a meme. Will help me take my mind off my torture.

Chey says:

The guidelines for this tag:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules
2. Write some facts about yourself: some random, some weird, some just plain fun.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them)
4. Let those 7 people know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.

The challenge is to keep it interesting without making the reader think “Um, too much information…”

So Seven things about me…

1. Mom and Dad picked me up from my breeder the same night Mom had a fiddle rehearsal. They got stuck in traffic, and ended up almost running out of the breeder's house after getting me so Mom could get to rehearsal.

2. I weigh 11 pounds. The word "diet" has been mentioned.

3. I'm the second seal point Siamese to own Mom and Dad (Tia was the first).

4. When I sleep on the bed at night, it is always down by Mom's feet. She protects me from Kavan (who no matter what time it is, wants to wrassel with me, he knows I'll leave the bed if he does that).

5. I'm not a lap cat, but do like stokes. My favorite place to get them is when Mom or Dad is sitting on the human litter box and I'm eating crunchies at their feet (yes, our crunchie bowls are in there).

6. While I do have a voice, I don't use it nearly as much as Kavan.

7. When I'm outside with Mom, I'll ask to be let in if I need to use the litter box. I've NEVER gone outside (Mom has peed in the backyard more than I have). I mean, I am royalty.

I'll go ahead a tag a few kitties, but maybe not seven:

Midnight and Stray Kitty
Tamra Maew

I think I'll quit there. Have fun!



The Wanderer said...

your momma peeds in the garden? She lets you outside? Wow, she sounds specials! Our momma has had to do that, whens someone stoled the key to the house...but she says we isn't 'pose to talk about that!

Ps. we is adding this to all our comments todays......
Did you see our little brother's pic on Daily Kitten? We is SOOO proud!!! Its a tryumph for Meezers everywhere!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Hey...our Momma has peed in da backyard too! Whut's up wif that?

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Kavan might never slow down, Tara. I know I haven't!

You are definitely royalty, Tara. It is good that you let your mom know when you need to use the litterbox.

snowforest said...

Missed you Tara and Kavan. Glad the hohaectomy went fine :)

MeezerMom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hot(M)BC said...

How come your Mommy goes in the yard? Doesn't she haf her own human litterbox? Yore Poor Mommy.
Sleeping by her feets sounds like a good idear tho!

The Meezers or Billy said...

oops. bad mommy! she posted OUR response on HER ID. ugh.

7 lbs and they're using the D-I-E-T werd? hahaha. I weigh 16 lbs! - Miles


Those were interesting facts, we are so glad you shared them with us...


Gemini said...

Well Tara, I think that if you don't want to use the outside, then you shouldn't have to. I think it is very regal of you.

LZ said...

You are certainly a lady! I would never go outside either, in fact I've been known to hold it for long periods of time but as soon as I'm home I make a visit.

(the Chip Man yells at Meowmy for leaving the human litterbox room door open but she does anyway)

None said...

Thanks for playing tag with me! It was hard for me to sit still long enough to write a reply because I just want to play all day, but I finally did it!

It was tough because I chewed up the instructions by mistake!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoor mom peed in da yard? Hmm, mom wood do dat but all da naybors wood prolly see her and since dey alreddy think she's crazy dat cood be a prollem.

Anonymous said...

You have an interesting life, Tara.

Daisy said...

Tara, you are 11 pounds? I never would have guessed that, because you look so petite and dainty!

Mickey's Musings said...

You gotta tell your Mom that d-i-e-t is a 4 letter word!!

Jimmy Joe said...

I don't think 11 pounds is all that much. You are a very lady-like royal Meezer, Tara.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Mr. Hendrix said...

what a great list! i like how you've never peed in your garden but your mommy has. ha ha ha careful of the yellow snow! sorry that was Bendrix, he is tacky sometimes...
great list!

PS 11 pounds is not big at all. It just means more to love.

Mr. Hendrix said...

PS help mommy chose a photo for my very own stamp. stop by and find out how.

zevo hussein calamari said...

Don't you love when humans have to pee outside! Of course they never admit it.....
thanks for all the great info

The Furry Fighter said...

oh i know what you mean about loving too..i HATE being picked up and i HATE being placed on a lap too! xxx

Forty Paws said...

TMI!!! Your Mom has peed in your backyard??? Is there a human litterbox back there?

Luf, Us

Aloysius said...

Hi, Tara,
I finally posted my 7 things!

The Cat Realm said...

Hahahahha, very funny! Especially all the litter box secrets.... I NEVER go inside. The staff has PUT me in the litterbox on occasion but I WILL NOT DO IT. Once, when I couldn't go out for a day and I REALLY had to go I went right by the side of the litter box. Fortunately the staff didn't get upset about it.
I like that picture of you, very royal!

Lux said...

Those are interesting tidbits about you, Tara! (And your mom. :))

Parker said...

11 pounds is a waif - just tell your Mommy and Daddy that!

The M's said...

Thank you both for coming to my party, I enjoyed the entire day...Munchkin

Rascal said...

"Diet" and "11 pounds" don't really belong together in the same sentence. Wait until you get to be 17 pounds, like Me.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is so funny things about you~!

I never go outside, too.
When I go out, that means I have to go to vet, so I hate going to the outside.