Saturday, September 8, 2007

Photohunt: Music

As those of you who have read my blog in the past know, Mom and Dad play Irish music. These photos were taken back in March when they were getting ready for a big St. Patrick's day gig. I was a bit younger then, and Kavan was just born and still at the breeders. Here I am sitting in Mom's fiddle case.
Here I'm approving the set list.
Then I had to inspect the mixer.
Here is the group on St. Patrick's day at our local pub.
Mom's playing fiddle, Dad is playing whistle next to the mixer. Both Kavan and I love to listen to them play at home.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are all great music photos, Tara. You look very cute checking everything out!

Sabine said...

I love the kitty in the fiddle case!! Beautiful cat, too. Great photos for the theme! :)

P.S. my photohunt entry is here!

Anonymous said...

wonderful shots!!

Kat 3 said...

OooooH! Next time your Mom and Dad play their music at a pub, my Mom and Dad wants to go listen!! That's wonderful your parents both play music. My Dad plays guitar and I like to listen. Mom sings, but, uh ..... yeah. Purrrts! - Kat 3

Lux said...

That just sounds like a lot of fun! You're so helful, too!

Joyce said...

OMG these are adorable..beautiful photos...happy hunting

Anonymous said...

Your momma and dadda are very talented, aren't they? My Lady played the flute for one year in the fifth grade, but she thought it was boring. She has a guitar that she bought three years ago and still has never played it! She is always doing homework and says that she doesn't have the time. I think she is just lazy. Yup, lazy.

Joy said...

Nice shots! Do you inspect their instruments before every gig? :D

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Your mommy and daddy are so musical!!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

that cat is a natural. great shots!

Carver said...

Those are all great music shots. I particularly like the ones of your parents playing at the pub.

Samantha & Mom said...

Cool! We bet the music is beautiful! You look so cute sitting on the fiddle case! And your parents look like they are having fun. Have a wonderful weekend.
Your FL furiends,

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

It's so nice dat yoor beans are musical. My dad sings pretty good but mom...sheesh. Yoo look good in da fiddle case, furry pretty.

The Wanderer said...

we cans tell you likes to be in the middle of the actions! Though we nots so shure abouts the noise makers...we prefer to look rather thens listen!

Ps. We can'ts remember if we tells you about the story our Momma wrote for HRH Yao-lin? Its about Royal Meezers, we thoughts you and Kevan mights like it.

The Furry Fighter said...

the bar where your Beans play loks like a typicallyu British bar! located in Cornwall or womething! :)
have you tried pinging the fiddle strings with your claws yet?

The Cat Realm said...

That is the cutest picture of you, sitting in your Mom's fiddle case!
I want to thank you for your ongoing wonderful support during these last days, it really helped me a lot!
Now I am back, I will take it slow, but it is good to see you all again!
Your friend Karl

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

How neat ... You an' Kavan can get into the act now, too!

Paulie said...

Adorable entry!

Come see mine.

-E said...

Great photos, I'm glad you inspected everything so thoroughly.

Happy Photo Hunt, have a great weekend.

Monty Q. Kat said...

I bet you'd make a great mixer!

Christine and FAZ said...

That looks live great fun. My humans like Irish music a lot. My mum was bought up in Australia and it's very popular out there (probably because there are so many people with Irish ancestry). FAZ

Queen of My Domain said...

Great choices. Your very lucky to have been raised in a family with so much music. Loved the picture with the kitty checking out the music selections.

Heather said...

Fun shots, all of them, great choice.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

These are great music photo~!!!!
you are checking so detail~!!! Great job~!!!

Anonymous said...

Good thing you are around to get the ball rolling. Great photos and have a good week.

Anita said...

Have you composed a song? Muhahahaha!
