Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ta Ta Hoo-Ha Tuesday

Tara is being unusually nice to me for some reason, and said I could use her blog.
Message to Dad. I love sitting on your backpack. It smells just like you. But right now, I could eat you, or those barbeque potato chips on your messy table. Whats the deal with no food? I've been bouncing off the walls all night, jumping on Tara, jumping on the kitchen table, jumping on the screen door. That takes energy!
Oh, I could really go for some of that Seattle salmon Mom brought home...I can't think of anything else......hmmm....whats this?
What was I saying??

9/11/07 11:15 AM UPDATE: The V-E-T just called and said Kavan came through his hooha-ectomy just fine, and is currently coming out of the anesthetic. His middle ears are still a bit inflammed, so he needs to stay on the drops every other day, but other than that is lookin good. Mom will pick him up this afternoon.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

OhOh, it's da hooha ektomy time already. Poor little guy...

The Feline Sextet said...

Ut ohs, we bets you won't be so hypers when you gets home laters today...well..maybe you wills, little b and mister e wasn't efen fazed by having der hoo-ha's taken aways...

MaoMao said...

Uh oh, hehehehe.... when I got my hooha-ektomy back in Febrooary, I ran all ofur the housie, lookin' fur my lost nuts. I thought the nut bandit had stolen 'em. Ya know, walnuts or hazelnuts or peanuts or somethin'. But I finally gotted tired of lookin' fur 'em and now I don't miss 'em no more!

I didn't get one speck less enerjetick and playful after I losted my walnuts, though! hehe

Good luck with yur hooha-ecktomy, my furriend!

Kittyhugs and purrs form MaoMao!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Good luck Kavan! I don't miss my hoo-has at all. I still have tons of energy and love playing as much as I did as a little kitten!

Daisy said...

Uh oh! Kavan, little buddy, you have a little surprise in store for you today. But do not worry, you will be good as new in no time. Except you will not have your hoohas any more.

Parker said...

Uh Oh - Say bye-bye to your little furry friends! Those Hoo-Ha's are nothin' but trouble anyway!


oOOOOOOOOOOO it's the big day,huh. Hope Kavan has an easy time of it..I know Jinx and Ping did with nO problems.


Honey P. Sunshine said...

he he he, a little KADD going on there, kitty attenshun deficit disorder, we hopes that the operashun in over quik and you are back home eating seattle salmon soon

Mickey's Musings said...

Take it from me, a hoo-ha-ektomy
won't change a thing.After all, it's NOT a personality operation.
So,it you want calm,get a fish.

LZ said...

Uh-oh Kavan....beware changes! I'm sure you'll do just fine but maybe you'll feel a little lighter....


Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Poor Kavan. Good luck!

Tara, if you'd like to try some Wellness pouches, please send your address to rileytiki AT gmail DOT com.

Mr. Hendrix said...

oh dear. Kavan, this is something every mini Mancat and Mancat must go thru. We're all with you in spirit, but crossing our legs....

The Meezers or Billy said...

uh oh Kavan. we is sorry that you is losing your hoo-ha's. we losted ours too, but it's ok.

Hot(M)BC said...

Hoohaektomy time. Oh well. It does save you from going nutzo later in life.And from your beans going nutzo about it. hehe I don't miss mine anyway.
your bud Pepi

Anonymous said...

Uh oh, I remember my hoohaectomy. It was not a good day. I wish you luck.

The Crew said...

Kavan I can see you're turning into a Mancat. Real Mancats, like me, think about food a lot.


Karen Jo said...

Uh-oh, hoo-haa-ectomy day. I hope you have an easy time of it, Kavan, and get something really tasty to eat when you get home. I am glad that your ears are getting better.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Kavan, if you're anything like me -and you are because you're ornery - your lack of hoo-has won't slow you down at all. The had to keep a close eye on me so I wouldn't pounce on my sister (she had her girl surgery the same day). I barely noticed. I had playing to catch up on.

I know you like your Dad's stuff. My new thing is curling up and sleeping on my Daddy's feet. I like to wrap my paws around them and snooze. You should try it with your Dad.


Jimmy Joe said...

Thanks for giving us an update, Tara. Kavan--you'll be back to your destructive young man-self (de-hooha'd, albeit) in no time.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Victor Tabbycat said...

It'll be okay, Kavan. Soon you won't amember what you losted. I luv gettin all ofur my beans' backpacks an lately, I sleep in the day where the boy keeps his pack at nite. There are all kindsa grate smells there.

The Furry Kids said...

The title of your post made Momma snort water out of her nose. Hahahahaha!

Samantha & Mom said...

We are glad you made it through your operation fine. You'll never miss um!
Your FL furiends,

Pumpkin said...

Kavan, enjoy the drugs wile yoo can. I fink I saw pink elefants when I had mine hooha-ectomy!

Just Ducky said...

Glad that Kavan's surgery went well. Time to clean out the ears.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Dear Tara,
I sent your postcard today, I hope you could recieved it sooner.

It is very cute you sit on the pack~!

lordjaders said...

Poorrr Kavan, saying goodbye to furrrends is a harrrd thing to do.

WHAT? That's not what Hoo Ha's arrre? They're WHAT?!

I'm a gurrrl--I didn't know what Hoo Ha's werrre...