Friday, October 12, 2007

Fearless Friday

We have a cool family room that is open up two stories to this neat balcony where we like to sleep. For some reason this really freaks Mom and Dad out.

But it is such a great view down below. I just wish Mom would dust the rail.

Tara is jealous 'cause she is too tubby to try to jump onto the railing.

Tara is tubby
Tara is tubby.....

I'm listening Kavan.....


Gemini said...

I don't think she's tubby at all. Momma laughed and said her tubby cat who was at least three of little Tara could jump to the top of a rail like that. I bet Tara just isn't as interested in the view.

Lux said...

Whoa, my MomBean would be freaked out, too!

I know you could do it if you wanted to, Tara.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think Tara just not do her talent today yet~!!! She could reach it if she wanna do~!!

You both are very good~!

The Cat Realm said...

Very cool! The maid has a railing on her second store porch and it REALLY freaks her when i race up there and pretend to lose my balance for a moment....

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Mom's worry to much. Tara cood prolly get up der, she just duzzent want to worry yoor mom anymore den she alreddy duz.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Kavan, you better not call your sister names. She's bigger than you, after all!

I can see why you like being up on that railing, Kavan. :) I like to get up high too. :)

Parker said...

Yup, my Mommy would freak out too! Kavan, I would be careful about calling Tara tubby - she's beautiful and you may wind up getting pushed off and ambushed by her!

ZOOLATRY said...

Oooh my goodness. Mom's got them so-called high-up "plant ledges" and like your railing they are WONDERFUL... and get this: she doesn't dust up there either!!!

Daisy said...

My Mommie freaks out when I jump on the banister, too! I do not understand why. I am sure Tara could get up there if she wanted to.

Mickey's Musings said...

Take it from an older guy,"Don't call your sisfur fat!!!!!!!!"
If you do,I'll have to visit you at the Vet.Heehee
I like to be up high too,the view is way cool.Just tell the maid to dust. ;)

The Meezers or Billy said...

hee hee, Tara's not tubby. I likes to hang over our balcony too. Sammy

jenianddean said...

You are quite the daredevil! And on the subject of call your sister names, well I just wouldn't do it. In our house, that turns into a lot of hissing and crying.

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

LZ said...

Now Kavan, you should not call your sister nasty names! Tell her she is beautiful!




Better be careful what you call Tara, you know we womencats know how to get paybacks.


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Oh Kavan, stop it! Your big sis and my lil sis is not tubby...she is just the purrfect size for a beautiful Meezer!

Anyways, you both are very brave to jump on that two-storey railing. I was once ABOVE two storeys on a tree outside...but trust me, getting down was a real pain in the butt (really!).

Have a good weekend!

~your big sis, Casey

Boy said...

Oppss...Kavan....not nice to say that your sister is too tubby so woudwy!
Just whisper it softwy ok?

The Wanderer said...

Oh, we understands about the dusting. We finds lots of places Momma can't gets to that we can...but we still refuse to helps with the cleanings.

~All of us~

Forty Paws said...

Tara probably isn't interested in doing housework; (dusting the railing). We do that for Maw. We climb on efurrything and dust it off for her.

Luf, Us

Pee Ess. Thanks for the purrs and love you've sent to Dorf & Reno. We appreciate it!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

hahaha Tubby no, I didn't mean that, i just got carried away by your brother's taunts! Tara you are a perfect meezer Goddess ok!!! And there is more of you to love ok!

None said...

Oh My! That is furry high! All I can say is don't drink and climb :P And Tara is a beauty, don't call her names or she just might give you a little push....


Kimo and Sabi said...

Git him Tara!

zevo hussein calamari said...

Tara is not tubby..please do not give her an eating disorder!

MaoMao said...

Oh wowie, that looks like a great place to hang out! Dorydoo would love it -- she loves jumpin' and gettin' to high-up places.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I could get used to that!

Mr. Hendrix said...

um Kavan, I think you may want to hide. As a big sister, she is good at revenge....
My mommy would freak out too if she saw me do that. She is very glad we don't have a balcony now that she has seen you.
I think you're very brave and have great balance.

snowforest said...

I don't think you would ever fall Kavan with your great athleticism - even if a cat drops from heights it lands on its two feet and is seldom hurt.

Just Ducky said...

What a wonderful watching spot. Have you tried to dive bomb your beans from there?

Mimi Lenox said...

Please join us again for BlogBlast For Peace November 7, 2007.

Hope to see you there.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Oops! My Mom can't look! That is way up high!!

~ Bandit