Monday, October 15, 2007

Meezer Monday: New Scratching Post and an Award!

Our poor scratching post had seen better days. Although we have a bigger, multi-level post up on our balcony, we love this one best. It sits in front of the TV and the slidy door that goes to the outside. I always jump on it to have Mom put my harness on before going outside. Its gone through both mine and Kavan's kittenhoods. So Dad decided he would restore it for us, and make it better than new.

First he had to untwine all the old beat up sisal rope. Of course, we both had to supervise.

I just couldn't stand it, I just had to get some scratching in.....

When it was upside down, I got to scratch on a surface I hadn't seen before! As the main royal in the house, I got to do it, Kavan just got to watch.

Dad decided to get rid of the funky arm things that just got in our way (we used to play with them as kittens, but now we just like the platforms and the scratching post). He also decided the upper platform needed to be stiffer. Kavan just had to copy me, and get some scratching on the upper platform as Dad removed it.

Looks kind of sad all naked, doesn't it? The blue thing is Mom's old SCUBA diving weight belt. If its not on the base, we just knock it over when we get a little, er, rambunctious (and, contrary to what Kavan might say, its NOT because I'm tubby).

Dad spent a zillion hours wrapping the post (well, a few anyway).

Isn't it great? A regal perch, don't you think? Its like a whole new scratching post! Thanks Dad, you are the best!

Another Regal Meezer, His Royal Highness, Yao-lin, gave me this award! Fitting, since I love his blog as well. And after he correctly groveled and apologized for using the term "Tubby Tara" in a comment. Somehow, he forgot I was also a royal. He was properly contrite, so I forgave him. After all, us royals with stinky siblings must stick together!

I pass this onto Latte (even though I think he already received this, I just had to give it to him, his blog will always have a special place in my heart), Honey P. Sunshine, Henry Hilton, and Casey.


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Thank you my sweetest lil sis! I will be very happy and proud to display this award, watch for it tomorrow!

~your big sis, Casey

Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY - yer dad is furry handy! Our daddykitty wouldn't even know where to BUY rope!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, your dad is very handy, Tara! :) Very cool that he was able to rebuild your scratching post for you. Enjoy!

Congratulations on your award. :) It is very well deserved. :)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

WhooowwwwwYesss~!!! What a wonderful ad you have~!!!!!!!!!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

thanks you for the award tara! dats really cool wat yer daddie did to your scratching post

Parker said...

Dad's are the best! They really work hard to make sure we can live in the manner we like!
He did a great job on your perch!

Anonymous said...

That new scratching post is awesome and thanks for the award!

Boy said...

Wow! Just WOW!

LZ said...

Oh Tara how wonderful!! And thanks so much for the award! I really have to bite Meowmy to get on with giving it out. You will always be very very special to me too!


Gemini said...

wow! That's a wonderful thing your human dad for you with the scratching post! I wish the Almost Dad could fix things like that for me!

Congrats on your award!

The Meezers or Billy said...

wow, your daddy does great werk! we haf a skratching post almost exaktly like that and we nefur use it. not even once. mommy is mad about that.

The Meezers or Billy said...

and we loves your blog very much too!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo is furry lucky to have a dad that can fitz stuff. Our dad fitzes stuff but it takes fureffer! Mom made us a scratching post and dad keeps saying he's gonna bild us a big one. He's been saying dat fur 3 years.

Daisy said...

Your dad did a great job fixing your scratcher!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

That is a WAY cool emprovement Dad made to the scratchin post! We are 4 mousily imprest!

Skeeter and LC

Karen Jo said...

Your Dad did a great job on fixing up your scratching post better than new.

Thank you so much for your support and prayers. They are working. My sister-in-law is getting better and better every day.

None said...

What a nice new post! Mine is too small for me now, it's only use is to do my nails. I have asked for a big 6 foot tall multi-level post for Christmas but "apparently" it doesn't mean I will get it for sure ... how could my servants possibly put their money to better use than on gifts for me!

I also just saw your Sunday post, I love how you get to sleep in the nice warm comfy bed while Kavan just sits out :) You are true royalty Tara!


MaoMao said...

ConCATulashuns on yur awardie! And those are great pickshures of you and yur Daddy workin' on the new scratchie post! Daddies rock.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Leona said...

Wow your dad did a good job fixing your post. Ma said we are getting a new one for the holidays this year because Guy ripped ours to pieces. He is a stinky boy.

Catzee said...

I wanna play! I wanna play!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Tara! I nominated you for an award! Come quick to my blog!


Lux said...

First, thank you so much for your sympathy, Tara, on me being forced to wear that costume. If not for that tasty food it would have been unbearable.

Secondly, we could use your dad's skills around here! All of our trees are badly in need of repair and these beans just aren't very DIY. Yours looks great now!

AbsoluteLeigh said...

Your Dad is very handy, I bet he couldn't have done such a good job without you helping.