Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday

I had to take Kavan out to prove to him the aliens were really gone. I have to admit, however, I enjoyed tagging along on his alien search. I had to inspect all of those cabinets as well, I would hate for my baby brother to get snatched by aliens.

Meezer Rule: Let Mom and Dad believe that your sibling is the only one that can open cabinets. That way, you can review the contents at will, and he gets blamed for it.

PSS: Do you like my new purple harness?


Lux said...

I *do, I *love your new purple harness - it really looks nice on you!

Good idea about the cabinets!

jenianddean said...

I love your new purple harness!! It's super cute. Maggie loves your rule because mom and dad think Huggy Bear is the only one who can open cabinets, but he taught Maggie how to do it. ('s a secret!)

And what a great sister you are-- helping Kaven search for aliens.

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh yes, we love yoor purrple harness, it looks reely good on you. Dat's a good idea bout da cabinets,'cept, Speedy reely is da only one dat can open dem.

The Cat Realm said...

I am glad you are Alien free!!!
You look FABULOUS in the purple harness!!!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's a great rule, Tara! :) Your purple harness is beautiful - it looks lovely on you.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is very very beautiful purple harness~!!!! I like it very very much~!!!

Starbuck and Torrey said...

That is a boootiful new harness. And purple is such a fashionable colour!!!

Christine and FAZ said...

Looks to me like the aliens have tricked you into thinking they got destroyed but they are really hiding in outerspace. They will return. FAZ

Samantha & Mom said...

Tara, your purple harness is lovely. It looks very nice on you. Your a great sister to look out for your brother and to show him that the aliens are gone and your Meezer rule is wonderful. Tigger taught me how to open cabinets, too, but Mom doesn't know. (hehehe) Big brothers are good for something.
Your Fl furiends,

Monty Q. Kat said...

Heh, Kavan has to learn not to get caught. :)

Parker said...

Tara - very wise, very wise indeed!

None said...

Just wanted to tell Kavan that I didn't notice the blanket at first but this is definitely proof of how comfy this blanket is! My servants have one two just like it, they were gifts from Mexico from the grandma that lets me climb her screen and her rudolf!

And Tara, I love the purple harness! My servants are still looking for one just like it! I won't settle for any other color! After all, I am a lilac point. Right now they are thinking about getting the "walk with me kitty harness and bungee leash" but apparently its no hurry because of some white stuff that's about to fell out of the sky!

You are very sneaky Tara, I love you meezer rule!


Honey P. Sunshine said...

thats a good rule tara

LZ said...

Good job big sis!! Always blame the younger siblings and benefit from their follies.


Hot(M)BC said...

I LOVE that Meezer Rule. Now I just have to show one of my sisfurs how to open the cabinets.
your bud Pepi

Boy said...

The purple bwings out your cowour vewy nicewy!

The Furry Kids said...

Good rule! You look lovely in your purple harness.

Gemini said...

It's a beautiful purple harness Tara! I wish Momma would let me outside like that.

Anonymous said...

I love the new purple harness. Not enough to wear it myself, though. I will stick to my manly blue harness, thank you.

Mickey's Musings said...

I love yer rule,heh,heh,heh.
Purple is one of Mom's fave colors.I don't have a harness :(

Jake and Bathsheba said...

You are two beautiful meezers! with beautiful harnesses!


Ivan from WMD said...

I love that rule, Tara! It works for me and William.

Very nice purple harness!


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

My darling sister, you are stunning, as always!!


PS. hehe, I've got Donny trained on "sock duty", so now mommy and daddy can't blame me anymore!!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Aliens? Whew! Good thing yer dad got home safe - I didn't know aliens could hide in cupboards...I will have to investigate (well, actually I will git Sabi to git in da cupboards ...that way I won't git in trouble)

Mr. Hendrix said...

i love the new harness! how cool. hm, i've always liked being an only kitty, but i have no one to blame my messes on....hmmmm

The Furry Fighter said...

that harness suits you so much! do you do walking on a lead? meowmie tried to train Castle but he just threw himself to the floor and refused to move!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

EXCELLENT "Meezer Rule," Tara ... Little brothers can be so convenient ... Mwwaaa haaa haaaaaaaa!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Aliens!!!??? Wow, I certainly hope not! I better get back to visiting you more often.....aliens.....who knew....