Thursday, October 18, 2007

Purrs Needed!

Mom is rushing Kavan to the vet today. He ate a big feather from one of the feather toys this past weekend. As the week has progressed, he has been vomiting and developed diarrhea and not eating well. Mom was hoping it would, um, "resolve" itself, but it hasn't. She called the vet this morning, and they want to see him immediately. The good news is he is acting his normal obnoxious self.


ZOOLATRY said...

Stay well dear Kavan... those things, like many toys, are GOOD to eat, but oh my... they then require PeptoCatsmol for recovery. Take care... get well!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, poor Kavan. Hope the vet can fix this without *gulp* serjeree! We'll be purring and purraying fur him....

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Poor Kavan. I am purring and praying for him. I hope the vet can fix this easily.

LZ said...

Oh no!! We will purr and purr and purr for little Kavan. Very scary. I don't blame him though, fev-vers are tasty!


The Meezers or Billy said...

oh no!! poor Kavan. keep us updated. Get well soon Kavan

Gemini said...

Oh lots and lots of purrs for Kavan. If even you are worried Tara, it must be scary indeed!

Tybalt said...

Oh, no, Kavan! I hope you feel better really soon. I am purring for him right now.

Parker said...

NOOOOOO! Please be OK Kavan! We will be purring very, very hard! I hope that you don't have to have surgery!!!!

None said...

Oh no Kavan! This is scary! I hope its not me giving you indigestion ... Please give us an update as soon as you get back :( I'm dedicating all my purrs to you (and I purr ALOT)!

Many purrrs,

The Furry Kids said...

Oh, Kavan! I hope it comes out, um, easily. I've been there, dude. You don't want the surgery.

We're keeping you in our purrs and purrayers. And hugs and purrayers from our mom to yours.

Earl Grey

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Oh no! We will purr very hard for Kavan. Pleae let us know how he is doing!!

Anonymous said...

yikes! lotsa purrs coming your way from all 5 of us! was it all soft fev-ver, or was there a pokey part too? pokey parts are very very bad to swallow. we're purring for it to quickly "resolve itself" too.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

oh dear...silly kavan..I do hope he is ok, I am sure he will be but I am sending purrs his way. poor little thing!!


Oh Tara

WE will keep Kavan in our purrayers and hope that the noos is good!


DK & The Fluffies said...

Sending purrs and nose bumps your way!

Fat Eric said...

Oh dear, hope it all goes well and they can sort out the feather and it hasn't done too much damage. Big loud purrs from here for Kavan. Keep us updated.

Daisy said...

Oh no, poor Kavan! I hope you get better soon. I am going to purr and purr that that feather gets out of you, the "easy" way.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh no!
We are purring like mad.
When we were kit-tens we used to eat stuff... not anymore.

Once Prinnie at a thread... that had a needle at the other end.

We hope Kavan gets to come home soon!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Huge purrs and prayers for Kavan. puuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrssssssssssssss
Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I hope that he is going to be okay. I'm sure he will. Those damn fevver butt toys! I'm gonna go and kill mine right now!!!

ASTOR CATS said...

Sending our purrs and prayers to Kavan. We hope that he can eliminate the problem without having to have surgery.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

We're purrin' and purrayin' for Kavan to be okay.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...


The Furry Fighter said...

oh noes! i am sending a million purss and castle is sending a million more! ise hope fings resolve asap and that kavan gets weel very very quickly xxxx

MaoMao said...

We Ballicai are purrin' and purrin' fur Kavan! We're so sorry to hear about his fevver acksident! I hope the vet can get him all fixed up real easy and real soon.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Yep - them big fev-vers can be dangerous. Sabi swallowed, then pooped one out once and it looked like it might have hurted! Purrrr fer Kavan.