Friday, June 15, 2007

Mom's got a cold

Mom's home today with a cold. While I'm glad I get to be with her today, it means Kavan won't get locked up in his nursery. That means three whole days with no respite. Mom tells me its practice for when he won't need the nursery any more. Hmmm... not too sure about that. Well, we will both work on making her feel better today.


Gemini said...

Oh poor Tara. You can come here and play with me instead!

LZ said...

That stinks Tara but at least she's home with you! I think it might be nice to have Kavan out while she's there. I hope your mom gets lots of rest and feels better soon!


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

My mommy is home with a cold too!

I'm sorry that you have to put up with Kavan more now...but give him the smack down if he bugs you too much!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We hope your gentle attention will make mommie feel better very soon


Oh Tara

I hopes yur Mom feels better very soon. Give her some good huggles and she will feel much better.


Ali & Fiona said...

You both snuggle on each side of your momma that way you won't have to be near him.

Daisy said...

I hope your Mom feels better soon.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Aw, you're welcome to visit here anytime. I have a girlfriend kitty so it is OK. I'm allowed to have any of my kitty friends over.
It sounds like Kavan might need to go in the nursery to give you a break!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Tara, if Kavan gets to be too much for you, you can come ofurr to our house.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dis mite be a good chance fur yoo to start teeching Kavan some good brofur manners. Mom will be der to keep him from becoming to much and if he starts bugging yoo yoo can always gif him a smackdown.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

three whole days? How will you cope?? Sorry your human is poorly. I assume this means her servitude to you will be hampened somewhat. That is never a good thing. At least she is home though!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

did mom get airplane germs?

Kimo and Sabi said...

Cold? It should be 100 degrees there ni yer town! Hope yer momma feels better soon!

PS - fanks fer signing our stroller petition!

Jimmy Joe said...

Hi Tara--
Thanks for visiting my blog. It sounds from your Thursday Thirtenn like you are pretty good at managing a little brother. Just make sure you don't tell him about your secret hidey-place so you can get some P & Q this weekend.
Your new buddy, Jimmy Joe

Zoey and the furballs said...

Give your mommy lots of extra purrs and loves so she gets well soon!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I hope your mom feels better soon.

To answer your question: yep, I chirp at birdies too! My mom calls it my "birdie noise" when I chitter at them!

Ayla said...

Well if you ever need to get away from your brat you're more than welcome to come visit me. However, I have eight Brats living with me so it might not be any better.

I hope your mom feels better.

Lux said...

I'm sorry your mom doesn't feel well - hope she gets better soon!

Anonymous said...

I hope your lady feels better soon.

Monty Q. Kat said...

I hope your MomBean feels better already!