Our poor scratching post had seen better days. Although we have a bigger, multi-level post up on our balcony, we love this one best. It sits in front of the TV and the slidy door that goes to the outside. I always jump on it to have Mom put my harness on before going outside. Its gone through both mine and Kavan's kittenhoods. So Dad decided he would restore it for us, and make it better than new.

First he had to untwine all the old beat up sisal rope. Of course, we both had to supervise.

I just couldn't stand it, I just had to get some scratching in.....

When it was upside down, I got to scratch on a surface I hadn't seen before! As the main royal in the house, I got to do it, Kavan just got to watch.

Dad decided to get rid of the funky arm things that just got in our way (we used to play with them as kittens, but now we just like the platforms and the scratching post). He also decided the upper platform needed to be stiffer. Kavan just had to copy me, and get some scratching on the upper platform as Dad removed it.

Looks kind of sad all naked, doesn't it? The blue thing is Mom's old SCUBA diving weight belt. If its not on the base, we just knock it over when we get a little, er, rambunctious (and, contrary to what Kavan might say, its NOT because I'm tubby).

Dad spent a zillion hours wrapping the post (well, a few anyway).

Isn't it great? A regal perch, don't you think? Its like a whole new scratching post! Thanks Dad, you are the best!
Another Regal Meezer, His Royal Highness,
Yao-lin, gave me this award! Fitting, since I love his blog as well. And after he correctly groveled and apologized for using the term "Tubby Tara" in a comment. Somehow, he forgot I was also a royal. He was properly contrite, so I forgave him. After all, us royals with stinky siblings must stick together!

I pass this onto
Latte (even though I think he already received this, I just had to give it to him, his blog will always have a special place in my heart),
Honey P. Sunshine,
Henry Hilton, and