Thank you everyone for attending my Gotcha Day Party! Boy did I have a hang over yesterday, it was a good thing all I had to do was fly my Peace Globe.
Now I finally know what those two pictures were on Mom's camera when she got back from Hawaii. It was lots of fun reading all the great guesses! So I'd thought I'd do a a roundup for each picture.
Here is Picture #1

After a lot of niptini's at the party, here is what some kitties saw in that picture....
Queen Snickers: "Looking down on Merkitty bonfires with the smoke billowing thorough the waves"
Chairman Mao: "a satellite image"
Parker: "a wiggley rainbow that fell out of the sky and landed in some water"
Monty: "How the world looks through Tripper’s eyes"
Chey: "it's Jack Bauer after Momma pushed him in"
Creatures were very popular....
Rosie and Cheeto: "a huje fishie with arms and legs and a hard bak"
Dragonheart: "a turtle, swimming under the water!" (
Kimo and Sabi agreed with this)
Maggie and Zoey: "The Loch Ness Monster... a long, long way from home!"
Beau also said it looked like the Lock Ness Monster (wasn' t it great of him to visit when he is not feeling well?)
Tamra Maew: "clearly a turtle cycplose in an oil spill. As you can see it has just one eyeball and spikes on the head!"
Samantha and Tigger: "A wrecked UFO and it's leaking the aliens green blood!!"
Casey: "A water ghost"
Marie: "a ginormous yellow catnip mouse stalking your mommy underwater"
Mr. Hendrix: "A PB&J fish swimming by"
Victor Tabbycat: "sum kinda fishy swimmin unner an oil slick"
Captain Jack and Dante: "after too many niptinis, what happens when kitties lean over the boat and yak in the water (Jack) or a school of swimming ginger catfish (Dante)!!"
Pumpkin: "creechurs in the TV show Invasion frum last yeer that gotted canceled"
Gemini: "looks like Kaze in her mermaid outfit underwater--except I doubt Kaze would be happy underwater"
Persephone: "a conversation fish"
One-Eyed Jack: "the skin from a Selkie" (check out his
post on his and Persephone's answers, and the great story of the Selkie!)
Jake and Bathsheba: "A spotlight on an aardvark picture in the sand"
Zed Monster: "a pool of SeaMonkey's that escaped from Daisy Curly Cat and swam over to visit with sunken pirate ships. You know, to haul the booty back to Florida"
Abby was the first one to actually get this right, it was a picture of the oil still leaking from the
USS Arizona as it lays on the bottom of Pearl Harbor.
Zippy and
Daisy were close in saying it was an oil slick, as was
Beau Beau and Angie who said it looked like an oil slick from a sunken ship, and
Pixel thought it looked like an under water plane. So close, but no catnip cigar.
After too many niptini's, it was really hard to select a winner for the most imaginative wrong guess. I'm going to give the nod to One-Eyed Jack, as the skin of a Selkie is such an interesting thought, shimmering there in the sea above the Arizona. However, honorable mentions must got to Monty and Captain Jack! The vision of the world through Tripper's eyes, and what drunken kitty yak in the water might look like both still make me giggle.
Now, for Picture #2
Zippy was the first to get this right, it is the view through what would be the dome of the
Capitol building in Honolulu if the Capitol had a dome! The building itself is very interesting, and when you stand in the middle of it, you look up, and this is what you see.
But a lot of drunken kitties saw something else:
Litter boxes were a popular theme……
Rosie and Cheeto: “its a ginormous, modurn, luxurious, openned roofed litturbox!!!”
Victor TabbyCat: “lookin up frum a litter box that's got sum kinda cool fence round it fur privacy”
As were prison boxes….
Jake and Bathsheba: “A vision of freedom from inside the prison box”
Mr. Hendrix: “obviously a bamboo and metal prison built to keep my evil alter ego Bendrix in line. He does need sunbeams and fresh air tho so the ceiling is high.”
And human PTUs……..
Kimo and Sabi: “might be da view from da inside of a human PTU?”
Latte also thought it looked like a human PTU, but gave a bit more detail: “One that tortures humans for not helping you blog when you need them too. You can dangle things up there they might want (like food, electronic toys, cat purrs) and they have to sit on the bottom and worry about going to a 2 hour VET visit where they get shots and only a prescription for something they already take (not that Meowmy knows or anything....)”
And human litterboxes……
Chairman Mao: “the view frum an outhouse without a roof”
Beau Beau and Angie: “lookin up from da hole in da ship dat goes to da human baffroom”
Then there were balloon rides….
Parker: “I think your Mommy took a ride in a hot air balloon and had a few glasses of wine, then she laid down on her back and took a picture of the sky!”
Queen Snickers had a similar thought to Parker: “Sitting in a box kite, looking out at the sky, while in flight”
And views from beds….
Maggie and Zoey: “a super special hotel room, with a big kingly postered bed, and overhead a skylight to watch the sunset and stars!”
Derby: “the view your mum had when laying in her bed!!”
They got a bit wild from there….
Monty: “It's a big hole with teeth! Big pointy teeth. IT'S A VISHUS HOLE!”
Tamra Maew: “obviously a meezer chasing a mouse!”
Tybalt: “looked like you were looking up from the middle of a japanesy temple”
Casey: “Middle of a courtyard”
Donny the Astro-Kitty: “Did they trap you in a dungeon??? Do you need to be rescued??? I can rescue you from space if need be!”
Marie: “I think you must be in the middle of a launch pad for a space you want to be an astro-kitty too??”
Captain Jack and Dante: “The generator for the biggest sunbeam any cat ever slept in (Jack) or the launch pad for the space shuttle (Dante)”
Gemini: “what a bug sees when I stretch out my claws to attack!”
Persephone: “the view from inside a nip tin outside!”
One-Eyed Jack: “the smoke-hole of Valhalla!”
Zed Monster: “Of course, this must be the view the Bad Kittens Three will have once I catch them and trap them.….They will stay put in the black hole for annoying kittens and remain. Notice the spikes at the top? But at least it's a pretty view.”
Daisy’s was really sweet: “the tunnel that all cats must eventually travel through to get to the Rainbow Bridge”
This one was really, really hard. I'm going to give it to Monty, a vishus hole is just too great! But Gemini and Daisy also get honorable mentions. A bug looking through claws to a blue sky is a perfect huntress thought, and a concept of a path to the rainbow bridge is precious.
Abby, Zippy, One-Eyed Jack and Monty, leave me your email address so I can contact you for your snail mail. As Honorable mentions, leave me your contact as well so I can send you a token of my appreciation!
Everyone, thanks for coming to my party! I had SO MUCH FUN!