Monday, December 3, 2007

Meezer Monday

Dad calls this my princess pose. Fitting isn't it? As royalty, I sit like this a lot. Its nice that Dad knows how to address me. I'm still wondering about Kavan, however. Does he have the brains to be a prince? Just tonight, Mom and I were up on the balcony playing. We both looked down into the family room on Kavan, who was sitting in Mom's chair. I invited him to come up. So you know what he did? He tried to climb up the wall, using the lamp and picture to gain some traction. This did not make Dad happy. Mom and I just laughed. I mean, really, just come up the stairs silly!! Dad had to carry him upstairs to show him the balcony (this is the same one he does the high wire act on the banister) and make him look down on me and Mom. I think I saw some glimmer of recognition after that. Yessh. I think I embarrassed him so much he had to go sulk by Dad's shoes.

Sorry we haven't been around much. Mom's rehearsing for a Celtic Christmas show, and she and Dad have some big decisions in front of them. The kind that determines how the next phase of their life might go. What could be so difficult about that? I mean, of course they will be taking care of Kavan and I. What is to decide?


Lux said...

You *do look like a royal princess, Tara!

And Kavan's already one handsome mancat!!!

DK & The Fluffies said...

You are quite regal!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

You look beautiful, Tara~!

I guess Kavan is really naughty :)

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
O, Tara, i loves tha bright, cuddly cushon that Jack wonned fur me. i wuz teasin on my bloggie about u's finking i's needed to calm down. yes, wif 12 other cats/kittens around, it is a grrreat idee. i's just gotta find a time when they's not around.
fanks fur tha wonnerful prizes... now i's gotta go say fanks to Jack fur finking of me...
Purrs, KC

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Brofurs are not da brightest bulb in da box, are they. Sad, but true. Dey is however fun to play wif.

Kimo and Sabi said...

There are phases? Brother! Just one more thing to have to learn about beans! Whut could possibly da next phase?

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You look very regal, Tara. :) Kavan is still having fun being young, just like me. :) I love doing silly, crazy things.

Parker said...

I know what you mean Tara, brothers might be cute, but a little wanting in the IQ department!

Mickey's Musings said...

Kavan is a silly boy sometimes,cute, but silly :)
Ut oh,decision time! Does that mean moving? But as long as you get your cuddles and treats,it dosen't matter,right?

The Meezers or Billy said...

you do look furry royal. well, Kavan is still a baby, and sometimes the little ones need some extra teaching.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

haha Tara you are royalty but your baby brother..well, take it from me, royalty is not always genetic. I know it should be but understand! x

LZ said...

Oh boys....I don't get them either. Really, why do they make things so hard?! I hope your family decisions go well, I'm sure with such great parents they will all figure it out for the best!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh Tara, I wish I cold see your bootiful photo but blogger is not working quite right.

At any rate, I hope your Momma and Dad can make their good decision so that you will be the happiest.


Tybalt said...

You look very royal indeed, Tara, and Kavan gets more handsome every day!

I had to laugh at Kavan for trying to climb up the wall.

Purrs to your parents. Making big decisions can be a real headache for beans.

Scout said...

Regal princess indeed!


Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

A very regal kitty you are. Poor Kavan - sometimes it just takes a little longer for the brain to warm up and run right!

snowforest said...

He he Kavan is so funny ~ u both r royalty we fink :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Boycats can be SO stupid sometimes...

Honey P. Sunshine said...

yer moms not having a burpy thing too, is she?

Anonymous said...

Wow, I hope your beans keep us posted on what may be going on with them. you guys are a really cool bunch and I love to hear your stories.

Mr. Hendrix said...

You certainly do look like a pretty princess there! Poor Kavan, he just needs more training. Mommy says little princes don't "mature" as early as princesses so he just needs more time.