Meezer Rule: Always get up the nerve to ask a pretty girl meezer to be your valentine, as the result can be worth the angst (big word for the day).
I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
Congratulations Kavan~!
You are very lucky~!!!
That is a fabulous rule, Kavan! :) We are glad that Tamra agreed to be your Valentine! :)
That is a wonderful Meezer rule, Kavan. Have a great Valentine's Day with Tamra. You make a lovely couple.
Kavan, you are one lucky ManCat!
Really Kavan, like I said, how could she say no to handsome meezer like yourself?
we are so happy Tamra said yes!! angst is a big word for an almost mancat! you sure are growing up!
I'm very glad you followed that rule Kavan, you are always so flattering and kind to me, I am sooo excited for tomorrow too! And you are a mancat to me :blush:
Lots of purrrs, Tamra
Happy Valentine's Day in advance!
Awwww . . . congratulations, Kavan! Being brave paid off. ;)
Kavan, how exciting for you to have your very first Valentine's Day with a special girlcat!
We think angst is like a fifty dollar word!!!! Congrats to you, we hope you two have a purr-fect Valentine's!!!!
We hope you have a great Valentine!
Of course, who could ever refuse a meezer?
well done Kavan - you makes a lovely couple indeed! it is nice to see you youngsters having such fun paring up:) x
It takes a lot of bravery to overcome da fear and ask! Yoor gonna be a fabulus mancat dude! And Tamra is furry purrty...
Ah Kavan, welcome to the world of Mancats!!!!!
Have some happy dreams buddy ;)
Purrs Mickey
I'm very impressed with your lady skills. It is very important to put yourself out there as you never know if you don't try.
You sure do look happy! I'm glad you asked ...
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