Monday, March 10, 2008

Missing Meezer Monday

Darn Blogger, I can't get my pictures uploaded! So Meezer Monday is missing today. I'm also having trouble getting Blogger pictures to load when I visit other blogs, and I can't get my blog roll to load, so I'm sorry if I haven't visited in a while (excuses, excuses). Also, Mom's been lazy and has been refusing to help me blog, and to top it off, the two days she helped us blog last week were all for Kavan! So what if it was his birthday, this is MY blog!

This is Dad's last week at work! Friday is his last day! Mom's in denial, she and Dad have worked at the same place for over 20 years and have always driven in together. Now she has to do it herself. She is trying to go down to 3 days a week, and hopes to get in a van pool. That sounds a bit strange to me, there is a pool in a van, and somehow that is going to help her get to work? What ever, as long as it means more time for Mom and Dad to be home.

Happy Meezer Monday!


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

So, that means your daddy retire? and could stay with you?
Sounds great to me~~~Maybe you could ask your daddy to help you blog, hahahah~~~ Just kidding~~~

Hope you both are healthy and happy for always~~~

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
Yes, Blogger haf been having some problems this weekend, specshully wif tha photos.
I got them to upload by loading one at a time and being real real patient. Hee hee.
Purrs, KC

Daisy said...

Sometimes Blogger is very, very BAD! Congratulations to your dad on his last week of work.

Parker said...

Hooray for your Dad! More time with you! Blogger has been mean to us too, we had problems all weekend!

Samantha & Mom said...

Yippee your Dad will be home with you all the time now and maybe Mom will cut back, too! Then you can Blog all you want! (hint, hint) Blogger has been crazy this weekend for sure! Happy Meezer Monday!
Your FL furiends,

Lux said...

Woo hoo for your dad! I sure hope your mom can cut down, also!!!

We completely stopped using Blogrolling (since it wasn't working), but it's been difficult trying to get everyone back in my link list!

Forty Paws said...

Lots of people are having trouble with blogger lately!

We quit using IE last weekend because we kept locking up trying to get to sites, and started using Firefox only and haven't been having any problems. Don't know what browser you're using, but....

That is so cool that your Dad is going to be with you all day!!!! Whoot whoot!!!

Luf, Us

Forty Paws said...

Oh, Nevermind....

Luf, Us

Mr. Hendrix said...

bummer, we miss your pictures! does this mean your daddy will be home with you lots? i hope so.
i had blogger problems yesterday too and today it took forever to load the photos. stinky blogger.

i missed seeing your princess face today!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Blogger can be very frustrating sometimes.

Congratulations on your dad getting to stay home with you!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Poopy blogger!

So your Daddy is retiring? Cool! That means he can spend more time with you!

Victor Tabbycat said...

oh, gosh, you haded me worried frum the title! Glad you an Kavan aren't really missin!
Since we host our pictrs on Flickr, we didn't haf trubble loading them, but we gots ofur problems wif our template.

My favorite solution is: take out yur frustrations on a toy mousie an then nap yur problems away.

LZ said...

We couldn't upload pictures either but decided it was the new Macbookpro so we posted them on Photobucket first and then that worked.

My humans drive to work together too! They work together and get along really well. It will be nice for you to have your Dad around.


Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

You scared me for a moment. I thought maybe Kavan had gotten out and gotten lost. Now I find it just blogger. Good thing that though.

Unknown said...

Oh, good. We wuz afraid that you kiatons had escapted and we wuz gonna haf to worryz about ya'll be lost in the great outdoors, Glad it wuz just blogger bein meen... cuz that's better than havin ya'll lost!
Concats to your dad! We made our Momma kwit the evil re tailz storz back in August cuz it wuz stressin hez outz a lotz!!!! now her haz a reel job as graffik artestz!!! I iz verry proud of Momma... now if we could just git herz to kwitz her day and night huntin... we could sniggle and blog ALL the timez!!!


of The Kiaton Empire

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We had problems loading pictures this morning too. We got it done but it took forever!!

Tybalt said...

Congratulations to you and your dad! I bet it will be great having him home all of the time.

Darned blogger.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Poo to blogger!

Yea for your dad, we hope your momma can cut back too!

Mickey's Musings said...

We have fights with blogger too!!! I'm glad it's not just us!!!
You are going to have some changes in your routine with your Dad home all the time now!! That will be cool!!!!! Even cooler if your Mom works 3 days :) Woohoo!!
Purrs Mickey

Scout said...

You are so lucky to have your Daddy home full time!!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ahem, it will be nice to haf yoor dad around a lot, yoo know, to pet and treat and play wif yoo. Does dad do housework? Or cook? Cuz mom sez dat our dad either needs to start pulling his wayte around here or go back to work. He sez he does his 50%, he makes da mess...

The Furry Kids said...

We've been having blogger and blogroll problems, too. It's making us very cranky. We've also been having internet problems since somekitty chomped on the cable again. hee hee Ok, it was me. :)

Congratulations to your dad for his last week at work! That is very very exciting.


Boy said...

I think a wot of us are getting pwobwems with bwogger. Stupid bwogger! If we cats are wunning it, there won't be so many pwobwems!

Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY WOW! Yer lucky yer dad is gonna be at home all da time now! Our daddy is too . . . well, but he werks from home - anyhoo - it's great to have da beans at home. Mommakitty can't wait till da day she can retire! OR quit . . . somehow they just won't fire her (she's been wif da same employer fer 10+yrs). We tolded her to play da lotto some more!