Well, as you have noticed, Mom has been really terrible about helping us with our blog and visiting our friends. But she told us either we can have time with her, go out of doors, get good skritches, or we can spend time on the blog. Well, its no fair we can't do both, but obviously time with her is what we really want. Now that it is dark when she gets home, we don't get to go out as much, and it is starting to get a bit cold. We haven't had that frozen white water yet in our yard, but Mom has had some going to work a few times.
We do love it up here. Dad put out our bird feeder, and we have zillions of birds! And rabbits and quail and chipmunks... although they never seem to be out of doors when we are. And there is even a mouse in the house! Mom is very upset that we haven't caught it yet... she told me if I was any kind of a mancat I'd get that mouse. Well, I'm trying Mom!
We will try to get around more often, but, well, Mom says priorities are a bit in flux right now, so we will just have to see. She really likes her new jobbie, but it is taking a lot of her time. We are lucky Dad gets to stay home with us, we really like that.
Just remember, we love you all!
I like to know your Dad put out your bird feeder, that is very important for your watching live TV show~!
I think it's ok your mom is too busy to visit your friends, sometimes beans are have to balance different things, so....it will be harder keep concentrate on blogs.
But we all know your daddy and mommy love you, love love love~!!!!!!!! That's the most important things of all :)
Don't worry about not being able to visit as much, we understand. Our mum keeps telling us we spend too much time blogging and we need to cut back a bit, but we have managed to keep her helping us at the moment.
We hope you catch the mousie soon. Indoor mousies always seem more exciting than outdoor ones. Mum thinks we bring them in from the outdoors just so we can catch them later.
We love you too Kavan! Priorities are important and spending time with you two are #1!
It's nice that you get to go out and enjoy your yard...and we hope you can catch that mouse! That sounds like a fun job!
Blogging can be time-consuming...that's what our mom says...so we understand if you can't visit as much. We still like to visit you!
I miss you my soul sister...oh yeah, and you too Kavan.
Pls don't feel too badly about your mommy being busy and not being around. At least you can blog more often than us - at one point, my mommy wouldn't let us blog for FIVE months!!
Now we are better with the blogging again.
Wow! It sounds like you have a wonderful place to live. Hopefully things will sort themselves out as your Mom figures out how to manage her time with the new job and everything.
we miss yoo
Oh don't worry! We know snuggles are much more important. Meowmy is so busy these days we fight with her about visiting but she says sometimes work just gets like this.
Oh don't worry! We know snuggles are much more important. Meowmy is so busy these days we fight with her about visiting but she says sometimes work just gets like this.
We haz white stuff! What is that? I neffur seen that before! Mama says I'm tooooo busy a boy to go outside until I'm big enough to get a harn-ness. Is that whats you're wearing? I don't know about wearing anything. I like wearing my stripes!
Glad to hear you all are ok!
Now that it is getting darker earlier, mom is giving me more time to visit myfriends on the blog.
Well you have just made some big changes, so schedules have to get all calmed down!
Go get that mouse!
yep, our mom has also been absolutley unhelpful!
I am glad to know that all of you are well.
love always, Prinnie
mom sometimes forgets to help us post too.
thank you so much for thinking of tesla during our hard time! We're still not completely better, but we're on the right track! thank you so much!
Kavan, good luck with the mousie. We hope you catch it. We miss you, but understand that your priorities lie with your mom right now.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
We love you, too! Your new home looks so wonderful, and it's great you get to have your dad home with you!
We miss you all - it's gonna git furry chilly up there, but we bet it's beeyooteeful!
Wow, we are so jealous that you get to see rabbits, quails and other birds. All we get are stinking pigeons!
We hopes you all have a wonnerful turkey day!
Happy Thanksgiving Tara and Kavan.
Happy Fangs-giving! Gobble, gobble, gobble ... 'urp!
DMM and the Feline Americans
We're glad you are doing great. We don't get to blog or visit much ourselves, so we completely understand your situation.
P.S. Did you catch that mouse?
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