Kavan is wearing me out. I mean, that dude is the energizer bunny! Even when I think he is trying to snuggle, what he really wants to do is attack me! He even bit my behind once so hard it made me yelp. Mom got a bit mad over that one. I jumped up on her lap for some comfort after that one. Its nice she takes me outside, its a chance to get away from him. And I love how he jumps up and down on the big glass door crying after we've gone through it. TOO BAD!! But we do end up sharing the Gizzy quilt and the Millie bed. Both are up on the balcony overlooking the family room. We usually trade off on who gets what. Sigh, I guess that is OK. But I'm worried because Mom is going to be gone all week. Kavan has turned into a Daddy's boy, I hope Dad feels sorry for me......
Well, as we learned - da momma's always come back. And they feel furry guilty when they do! I used to be totally a daddy's boy, but now I switch off.
I just caught up on reading your blog, Tara. I'm glad that you and Kavan are getting along better these days. But I can see that he has put a bit of a crimp in your style.
Oh poor Tara, you look absolutely exhausted
Kavan is just being playful and all Tara - don't worry - Mommy will soon be back with lots of treats :)
Tara, I hope your dad spends some quality time with you while your mom is gone. You look lovely lying next to your Gizzy quilt.
Tara, it is no wonder you are all worn out! Kavan sounds like a handful. But do not worry, he will settle down a little once he grows up. I am glad you get some outside time all alone.
Poor Tara, so tired and now you two are not separated at all. Whew, it makes me tired just thinking about it. Maybe you need some go-go kitty elixir juice to keep up with Kavan. So sorry your mom will be gone. I'm sure Daddy will lavish you with attention while she is gone.
Samantha & Tigger
Oh, Kavan will tire out eventually. My BabyBean is the same way, she wears out MomBean everyday.
I wish I could come spend some time with you Tara. Maybe your mom could bring me with her when she comes home??
Oh I hope you are okay! I don't have anyone younger. I am the little terror around our house!
We know that you have the secret to your Daddy's heart!
oh, no, daddy's boys are awful. Mao is a momma and a daddy's boy and I hate him all the more for it.
I am sure you are the apple of your human's eye anyway, I mean, how could you not be? xx
Oh, oh, mom better leeve some instrukshons wif yoor dad not to let Kavan ware yoo out or worse BITE yoor behind!
Oh, poor traumatized Tara! Behind biteys are the WORST! Have you tried just sitting on Kavan until he gets a little older?
Rest is good between training sessions and outside sessions.
Keep Kavan in line!
we know that your daddy will feel sorry for you! when your mommy comes back, you will just haf to make her feel twice as guilty
Kavan is biting you? Uh-oh....maybe he will mellow out as he gets older.
Oh, Tara, I know how much of a pain (literally and figuratively) a younger brother can be. Jake STILL likes to pounce on me when Mom prepares our meals. You'd think that these boys would outgrow such behavior, but NO! I wish you well with training him. Now is your best chance while he's young.
Good luck,
Ooo ... Those little boys sure can be annoying and rambunctious! And they NEVER seem to grow up! Charmee is FOUR YEARS OLD and he still tries to attack me and make me play with him. Good luck to you, Tara!
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