Oh, I remember the days when I could play and play, and then just, plop, anywhere I happen to be at the time, just fall asleep. So carefree....

I'm a bit more discriminating now. But I do like my naps, especially on the bed with Mom. I miss her so much. She was in the talking box last night. I was on the dinning room table guarding the mail (an important job), and Dad brought the box over and let her talk to me. I started crying, and purring, and rolling around on the table. I just KNEW she was going to come out of that box. But she never did. Then she talked to Kavan over on the couch with Dad, and he did the same thing. Maybe if both of us wish hard enough, she will come out of that box.
I sure can't wait to see her. She should be home late tonight. I'm waiting up....
We're sorry you miss your Mommy Tara. Good thing she'll be home soon.
Awwww...we always miss mommy when she's away....
Tara and Kavan you both sure love ur mommy. Have all the fun and snuggles when she is back :)
Oh, Kavan is just too cute! I am glad your Mommy is coming home soon. I do not understand that talking box either.
I bet your Mommy will be home very soon and you won't have to miss her. But you do have your Daddy there to take care of you until she gets back.
Have a fun weekend.
I am glad your Mommy is coming home tonight. I am sad my Daddy is leaving for the weekend tonight. Sigh...
This talking box Fiona has used once to talk to her grandma but she didn't say much. Kavan sure is a cutie!
Tara you really love your Mommy! That is very sweet and I'm sure she misses you just as much.
Kavan is adorable!!!
I'm glad your mommy's coming home soon. It stinks when our people are gone. :(
aww, It is nice you're both working together to wish her home.
Having mommy home is the best!
So, Kavan loves da mom too! Sorry yoor mom is in da talking box, dat must be hard fur yoo. Give her lots of luvins when she comes home and maybe she'll think twice afore she leeves yoo again.
oh Tara sweetie, hang in there till tonight - then Mommy will be home and gif you lots and lots of huggles!
You don't still play and play and play and then flop down, Tara? Too bad. Sorry that you miss your mom - at least she'll be home soon.
Oh I hope she returns soon Tara. Those pictures are soooo cute!
I'm glad your mom's coming home soon! Enjoy the weekend!
I miss my Meowm when she is gone too! I am glad she is coming home soon! Kavan is a cutie!
That is furry nice fer yer dad to let you talk on da phone!
Oh goody, your mom is finally coming home. Tell her to stick around for a while this time. It sounds like Kavan is falling a bit more into line now and not bugging you as much.
We're glad your mommy is coming home soon.
Aren't naps just great?
Luf, Us
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for coming to see my blog. I hope my picture didn't scare you, I'm really a nice kitty (grrrrrrrr, just kidding).
Unconcerned infancy...
I hope your mommy comes home very soon. You are a brave poose.
Hope your mum made it home safely.
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