Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday

So, my last lizard hunting adventure in our mountain house back yard wasn't nearly as nice as all the others. When I walked out, it felt like a gust of air kept trying to attack me. It made my fur lay down funny and it felt strange. I tried to out run it, but that didn't work. Then I tried to dig a hole in the sand and hide in it, but that didn't work either. Mom laughed, and told me I was silly that it was just wind. WIND? It felt like something was attacking me! Then I tried to hide under a rabbit brush where the lizards hide. That helped. I went over to my favorite fence and tried to do my patrols up and down it. The fence helped. But finally, I had had enough. I ran over to where Mom was sitting in front of the slidy glass door and demanded to be let in. Then I ran over to the front door. I thought maybe that wind wouldn't be out front. But Mom wouldn't let me test that theory. Humpf.

Our ride home was a little more eventful. First, I could see we were getting ready to leave, and didn't want to, so hid under the bed. But I neglected to get all the way into the middle, so Mom was able to knab me. Then, Kavan yaked up in his PTU (Pet Transporter Unit) about half way home. In his defense, he had cried to Mom and Dad that he wasn't feeling too good, but yet again, they didn't listen. Once Kavan got cleaned up, we got to walk around in the big trees. When it was time to go, I begged not to be put back in the PTU. I promised I would be good. Mom and Dad felt sorry for us, and let us sit in the back seat. We were both very, very good. Kavan and I would trade periodically sitting on the kitty pad between Mom and Dad, sitting in Mom's lap, or being in the back seat. We hardly made a peep, as I told Kavan if we did, it was back into the PTU. Mom and Dad were very proud of us.

Meezer Rule: You can't outrun the wind. You might as well stand and face it. Spitting in it is fun if its in the direction of your brother.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Good rule, Tara~! You are a brave cat~!!!

By the way, please send email to michico for your sending address, remember you choice picture of my 10 year celebration activity? now the postcard is coming, and we are going to send to you~!

Please come and see the right-top of my blog.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's a good rule, Tara. I don't like the wind, especially when it blows past my ears.

You were very lucky to be allowed out of your PTUs like that! When we go on long car rides, my mom sits in the back me with, and I have my harness on. That way, I can freely explore the back seat, but can't get up front where I might get in my dad's way when he's driving and cause an accident.

The Meezers or Billy said...

great rule Tara - that wind sounds scairty!

LZ said...

Great rule! I can't believe you didn't have to ride in you PTU, you are obviously very well behaved. Gosh...the Chip Man would end up not being able to stop the car because one of us would be under the break pedal.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Heheheh, spit into da wind only if it's in da direkshun of yoor brofur...yup!

sammawow said...

That is a very good rule. You are very brave to travel so far - we hate car rides. That's probably because ours only lead 1 place - to the v-e-t!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Parker said...

Tara - riding in the car without being in the PTU? That is SO COOL! I am the only one in my family well-behaved enough to do that. I sit right in Mom's lap when Daddy drives and I look out the window. I just don't like the part where i get carried out to the car!

The Furry Kids said...

This wind business sounds askeery. You are very well-behaved to be able to ride in the car without being in the PTU. Me and EG would be jumping all over the place. hee hee


Daisy said...

That is a good rule. I like a little breeze, but I do not like a strong wind.

Anonymous said...

That is a very smart rule to live by.

Karen Jo said...

You have a smart rule about the wind. You are very well-behaved kitties to be able to ride in the car without being in your PTUs.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It gits furry windy here sumtimes and we run wiv our ears flat back on our heads and our tummies nearly on the ground.

DK & The Fluffies said...

I will need to try that with Orlando!