Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wondering Wednesday and Meezer Rule

I was very happy to get home last night. While I really wanted to go out in the backyard with Mom, Dad and Tara, I wasn't quite feeling up to my usual hyper self.....
Mom said thats to be expected after loosing your hooha's. What??? Lost hooha's?
Maybe they are down here.....

Meezer Rule: If you must lose your hooha's, demand good drugs, good food, and lots of pampering.


Lux said...

Oh, Kavan ... sigh. I didn't realize I'd lost mine either, not for a long time.


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

I only found out from the shocked and sad and hurt look on daddy's face when he saw my hoo-ha's were missing.

But yes, demand the best and demand to be furrst in everything!!


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

PS. He knew I would lose my hoo-ha's before I came home from the shelter. He wasn't shocked from that.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

*sigh* The first step towards mancathood is to take away the things that make us more mancatly. Oh well, the ladee cats seem to apreeshiate da old hooha ektomy and soon yoo'll apreeshiate da ladee cats. It happens to da best of us...

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is a good rule, Kavan. Don't worry, you won't miss your hoo-has at all.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Glad efurryfing went fine furr yer hooha ektomy. Yoo'll soon furrget yoo efurr had them.We don't miss ours at all.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Soft hugs to you for your loss Kavan:)
I would like to talk to the Princess please...will you ask her if she would like me to make her a HOPE joul for the bid she left? I would make it in her custom color. She can send me an emaily at kjacks2 AT charter DOT net if she is interested.
Thank you so much for have a very good heart.
Love Miss Peach

Daisy said...

Poor Kavan! You need lots of TLC today.

Karen said...

I am glad you are home and feeling better. I hope they spoil you

Mickey's Musings said...

That's the best Rule!!!!

Parker said...

Awwww, poor Kavan. I am glad you came through the ordeal OK though!

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Kavan, just when you realize you have hoo-has, someone takes them away.

great rule, and the thing is, if you keep giving them the sad look (especially the man bean) they will give you treats for years.

Katnippia said...

HI Kavan!
I hopez yous feels better soon. Umm.. Shamy and Taps know how youz feel.

Gemini said...

Oh that's too bad. I don't think you'll find them and it's probably better that you don't...

LZ said...

At least you got to go outside! I don't remember missing the hoo-ha's too much so I think you'll be fine soon.


The Cat Realm said...

Welcome to the club, Kavan!
I do not miss mine. At all. Maybe that one moment when Anastasia decided to become a woman from one SECOND to the other....
From what I hear they are more trouble than it's worth... So be glad to have gotten rid of them!

The Furry Kids said...

You won't miss your hoo-has at all. At least your V-E-T didn't say that she couldn't find them(!!!) and that you'd have to wait until they show up to have your hoo-ha-ectomy. Very embarrassing. And then a couple weeks later, they showed up and your mom starts giggling (yeah, real mature) and makes a big deal about saying that you need to wear shorts until you get your hoo-ha-ectomy. Yeah, you don't need those things.


ASTOR CATS said...

This calls for lots of love, temptations and stinky goodness. That what Stray Kitty wanted when he lost his hoo-ha's. Although sometime he thinks he still has them. Trying to be all Mancat.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Mr. Hendrix said...

Maybe the Hoo-Ha Fairy will leave you some treats under your pillow tonight.Heck my 5 year old cousin lost a tooth and got $5 bucks! That is a lot of Temptations...

You've earned the right to be demanding.

no more said...

my cat also has a blog - see profile! or check out her music video! ciao..or..miao! lol

The Furry Fighter said...

oh kavan - i hope all is well down there! castle lost his hoo-has pretty sharpish cos meowmie didn't want him doing things to me...i hope you feel a bit better now and don't worry, life will be a lot less complicated without your hoo-haas!

Anonymous said...

That is a funny rule!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is a good rule.I believe you won't miss your hoo-ha too much.

None said...

What are hoo-ha's?! They sound funny!

Aloysius said...

Be brave, little Kavan--and do keep demanding treats. Thanks for stopping by my blog to wish me a happy Gotcha Day.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Oh, hoo-ha's. I lost mine a long time ago. Makes me more streamlined...

Can you tell Tara my MomBean's mailing out her bed tommorrow?



We are glad you are feeling better.


HRH Yao-Lin said...

oh Kavan...*sniff*...I am so upset for you. It is a tragic time in a cats life when his hoo has are cruelly snatched from him. I trust you will nurture a growing resentment for your human from now on and forever. Oh, wait a minute, is that just me? I thought it was normal.


The Crew said...

Well, you know Kavan, getting your hoo-has taken away is just something all us guys have to go through. In a few days, you'll barely even remember them.

It's really better for us and doesn't mean you can't still be a Mancat when you're grown up.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I .... think I need to go check something. hmmmm


Forty Paws said...

Yay! Kavan lost his hooha's!!! Concatulations! No baby meezers frum Kavan. This is good. You won't miss them, because quite frankly, you probably didn't realize you had them.

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