"Our" tube?
Whatever....but look!

Don't kill it Kavan, maybe it will take care of that big harry spider in the kitchen that Mom also gets to move by pointing that ball with a long wire at it. Hey, we could have a contest between the two!
stay tuned......
Not real snakey, I hope! We never saw any here at our house because it is too close to the city.
Oah I also hope it's not a real snake~~~
You guys are very brave!!
Happy Weekend to you!
Ewwwwwwww...Mommy HATES spiders!
Merry Christmas to one and all.
(P.S., we shall send you our "real" snake... eeeeeeehhhoow)
That snake looks like fun to play wiv. We eat spiders furr mum.
Wow a snake AND a spider!! That would drive Mom nuts! Well,the spider would,heehee
Ice Lanterns
Mom used some Ziploc containers (cheap) but you can use anything like cardboard milk containers etc. She used old pill bottles filled with rocks to put in the centre to make the hole for the tealight
Purrs Mickey
A spider and a snake...yoo guys is gonna be da best hunters in da whole blogosphere!
spiders AND snakes? oooo our mommy would haf to leave the house.
We take cares of all the buggies that come anywhere near the inside of our house. We are natural exterminators...we love your green snake!
Meowy Chrissmouse
Abby and Boo
Get it Kavan!! Put a big bitey on it.
Way cool snake! Ddi Kaven kill it?
those are the snakes from skeezix's plane?
Oh my paws and whiskers . . . a snake! How exciting!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I am sure Sandy Paws is going to be good to both you and Kavan.
I would love to see a duel between the green mamba snake and the giant hairy spider!
ack! We has spiders too...but Momma doesn't like it whens we puts the bitey on them, cause we leave the carcass for her to clean ups. If you kills the snake, you must eats it! Thats the rule!!!
I really like your tunnel, and that snake looks like fun to play with!
An important message from Tigger the FBI Cat!
We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! XX
P.S. Mom said I have to add that this is also from the two over at topcatrules, Pyewacket and Trixie.
P.S.S. AARRGGHH! Crikey! Too real! Too real! I think you are VERY brave!
Ooh, be careful of the snakey, specially when ya are inna tunnel (no where ta jump away from it).
Glad ta see ya lured it outside where it is safer to catch!
Wow, you guys are very brave to take on a snake!
My little brother has arrived!
oooaahhh....a snake!!!!!
You are both so brave!
happy festivus to all.
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