Well, I am still working on my doctorate in meezology, so I guess I better go back and review insectology! I guess I'll go hide in a box, I'm so embarrassed...

I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
O, those are both enticing looking bugs, dont u's fink? I would loves to chase them both. yum.
I have never seem it before, my house is far away from natural....
Maybe I will catch them if I saw them.
Those are very cool bugs, Tara. Thanks for the lesson! You look very cute in the box. :)
I think they both look like great toys!
They both look kind of like aliens!
Yeah, we'z wif Daisy, dey both look like aliens! Don't be embarrassed, yoo were farther away and couldn't see it good.
IT wuz furry interestin to learn about both buggies. Fank yu. No needs furr embarrassment...
Don't be embarassed Tara. Mommy doesn't know one bug from another because she runs from them.
I thought it looked like a Praying Mantis but I'm not an expert. We have tons of them where Snap lives. They are very nice bugs...well, except to each other.
Awww, it's ok Tara! Everyone makes mistakes . . . even meezers!
Don’t gets in the box cuz you are embarrassed…. Get in the box because it is fun! You are doing excellent I am sure your studies will take you far.
don't be ambarrassed tara, you were obviously just testing your human! And also everyone else who visits your blog. Like me for example! And I got the answer right! (really!) hahahaha xx
Bugs are VERY enticing. But we prefer the smaller ones that fly around fast, like ladybugs and flies ... so we can chase them and rearrange furniture, knock over lamps etc.!
Tara, you don't have to stay in the box; remember, "to err is only feline."!
& the Artsy Catsy bug chasers
Tara dear, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Those bugs look very much alike and anyone could have mistaken one for another.
Honbest mistake. We wouldn't mind chasing after either of those bugs!
Tara, don't be so embarrassed. You did know that it was a bug and not a leaf or an alien. You were very close...
They both look inviting. I think I have some of their relatives in my garden and I hunt them anyway!
Since Maw redid the flower beds out front, and the leaves have fallen, there are like a squillion katydids hiding in them. She freaks when she is picking the leaves out of the flowers and a katydid jumps out!!! She usually squeaks really loud too.
Luf, Us
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