The best thing about Christmas is the boxes! Mom did most of her Christmas shopping on the 'net this year. I don't understand why she is so interested about what is inside, I mean, look at this great box!

And then there is the puffy plastic snake that comes inside some of the boxes. I think its to protect what was inside the box. That is pretty smart, using a snake. I mean, who would want to get inside a box with a snake?

Kavan looked a bit bewildered... I think he is a bit scared of the snake. I told him I would protect him with the scissors.

Meezer Rule: No matter who they are addressed to, all boxes belong to the meezers in the house, and mostly to the oldest and smartest (that would be me), as they don't get scared of what is inside.
I can see you guys have great fun with box.
And great rule~!!No matter these box addressed to, it's already have your smell and your approved :)
Boxes are fun! I don't think I've ever seen that puffy snake, though - it might scare me!
That is a very good box, Tara. If Kavan is scared, then all the better for you.
That is a fabulous rule, Tara. Boxes are wonderful! My mom did a lot of her shopping online too. I've never seen a puffy snake, though - our puffed things like that come in sheets!
Our mom did all of her shopping on the Net again this year. :) We had a lot of fun with the boxes, but some of them were too small. She needs to buy BIG gifts!
Boxes! Wonderful! I've never seen snakes guarding the contents in boxes though, was that snake fun to pway with?
I agree, smetimes the boxes are better than the stuff inside!
Wowza~ You are so brave to tame that snake. I haven't seen any of those in the boxes Mom gets.
Oh boxes! They are definitely more fun once they are empty anyway. I have seen one of those box snakes before, it followed me everywhere! My servants said it was because of something called "static"! I suggest you stay away from those snakes calles static.
wow, you must haf gotten somefing BIG - that plastic snake is really big.
all boxes belong to meezers!
Excellent meezer rule - boxes do all belong to us kitties - for fun and play no matter what comes inside!
Wonderful rule! I follows that one at my house too! All boxes must be thoroughly inspected and Meezer approved!
Grate box, Tara! We hadded one of doze snakes here the other day...daddy took it out and killed it.
Great rule. We love to play in boxes too.
Mommy broughts home some of doses snakes from day hunting. They gards the roots of her fake tree in the bigs pot me likes to climb in. She puts cool moss on top of thems and I like to play in it. ~Empress
Very true. I always claim everything that comes into the house as mine, and that includes the boxes!
Hmmm ... all boxes in our house belong to us ... does that mean we're meezers? If so, we're the funniest-looking meezers I've ever seen!
Boxes are very, very fun. My Mommie did almost all her shopping online, too, and we got some of those snakes! My Mommie kilt them with scissors. You have teh boxes?!?
Calm down Monty!!
Boxes are great until your FAT older brofur tries to sleep in them and collapses them.
Oh that looks like so much fun!
Oh tara that rule was MADE for us siamese!!! Excellent rule!
You look like you are having lots of fun with those boxes.
Mom wants to thank you for you kind words and support. She really really appreciated everyones thoughts and prayers. We did too.
Roxy & Lucky
Yes, yes! that's a superduper Meezer rule. We Ballicai love boxes, and our beans got 'em all ofur the housie fur us!
And that snake is puretty skeery!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Totally a rule I can use also! ~Fiona Bun
That is a GREAT rule!
Oh, yeah ... Boxes are the awesome-est! The only thing that would trump a box would be a box full of 'NIP!
Ohh, boxes... Boxes! Boxes, boxes, boxes...!
Um we like boxes....
Wow Tara, that is a very long snake you have there. Oh and that box is divine. Enjoy!
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