Mom and Dad came home from work yesterday, and Kavan and I begged Mom to take us outside like we always do. We couldn't understand why she smiled slyly and said "Of course I'll take you out", even though it was cold and dark. I stood very patiently at the slidy glass door for my harness, like a good girl. Kavan squirmed a bit like he always does. She turned the light on the patio, and let us out. We happily ran out, then stopped cold. Water was falling from the sky! I couldn't believe it, I kept running to the edge of the patio, trying to figure out how to get into the back yard. Kavan started yelling at Mom "Make it STOP!". Mom just sipped on her drink and smiled. Finally, I asked to be let back in, and Kavan followed. We were out just a few minutes, but our furs were all messed up! Even my paws were wet! So, I had to take care of that....

Even Kavan decided that water did not suit his furs...

Dad laughed. He said we spent ten times longer cleaning our furs than the time we were outside! He just doesn't understand how important good looking furs are.....
Washing fur is always very important~!
You are doing very good~!!!!!
I certainly shall wash very long time.
Oh my gosh Chicken Little! The sky fell here too and mom has moved Pyewacket's scratching post right up into the window, so we got a really good look at it. Oh, until we fell asleep.
You both look beautiful. :)
Oh my goodness! I wouldn't have liked that either. Even though I don't have fur, after I'm bathed, I always have to groom myself.
You have beautiful furs, with or without washups... do you use Dove, it's good for our delicate skins and furs...
No way would I have liked that at all. ICK! Water from the sky. My assistant finally put up the pictures she took of when we got your package. I apologize for her bad bad BAD behavior. She is terrible...I just don't know what I am going to do with her. But you can see how much I LOVED the boogie mat. Wow it's the coolest greatest thing I have ever had. THANK YOU again.
No, da dad's don't unnerstand how importint dat fur grooming is! After almost a week Zippy decided to go out this morning and when she came in she hadda clean snow off her feets.
Beans can be weird sometimes, don't they know we do not take showers like they do. glad you didn't get hurt wif the sky falling...hehe.
we hads water from the sky all day and all nite here, and its cold!
ahahaha you two are hilarious! although i have to admit, i'd have been the same x And of course keeping your royal pristine furs is of vital impawtance x
Our feets got cold jus readin about dat. Brrrrr!
Oh no - that was rain and rain is icky. It definately messes up your furrs and then you have to spend forever grooming them back right.
that was kind of mean of her to let you out in the wet without warning you ferst.
I can’t believe they laughed at you! That was not very nice at all. Even worse, why did they send you out with water falling from the sky?! Hello? You are a kitty and do not like that!
I understand the need to groom afterwards… What will all that mussing up of your furs!
Oh man, Tara, I hate that. That was real sneaky of your momma to invite you outside like that. Sometimes my momma says, "sure, go on if you want" and then there's super cold snow outside!!!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
That was a nasty trick your Momma played on you Tara. She should have told you that it was wet out there.
There has been lots of that water falling here! I am glad I am not in it now....I already have to clean my furs enough as it is!
Oh no, that's awful Tara! I's glad yoo and Kavan didn't drownd!
Ohs the horrible indiginitys of the falling waters torture!! Just whens you thinks you gets to get outside times, then they springs that on you!!
Once the furs get messed up, it takes forever to get them just right again!
Oh no! I'm glad you made it back in without getting too wet. Good job on grooming the fur!
Yep - It fell so hard at our house, that it came through da roof in da garage! We hadded to catch it wif a bucket!
The sky was falling here, too, yesterday!!
When that happens... we like to swat the droplets zipping down our windows.
Wet cat = bad!
ps - come and visit me!
That was a funny trick your mom pulled. She had to let you see for yourselves. You never would have believed her if she had just told you that you wouldn't want to go outside.
Mom's gonna try that same trick on Jake next time it rains here.
Hmm, that was a bit mean of Mommy, but The Big Thing sometimes does stuff like that, too. He calls it "playin". If we really insist on doin somethin he knows we wont like (but isnt dangerous), he lets us. "Play", hmmph!
I don't like rain either, but I do like snow!
Weawwy? The sky is fawwing!! I better go warn all mine fwiends!
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