UPDATE 6:00 pm PDT 5/18/07: Mom and Dad have been watching me all day, and Dad looked at my paw under his magnifying glasses. My inner paw pad is a bit red, it seems to have taken the brunt of the burn. But it doesn't look too bad, and is not blistering. I'm walking fine, but when I run, I limp a bit. Dad said as long as it keeps looking that good, I don't need to go to the V-E-T! But he reserves the right to change his mind tomorrow. Thanks for all of your kind words and purrs! They really worked!
Owwww....my left paw (the one on top) is really hurty...I know I shouldn't have jumped up on the smooth top electric range. Mom had yelled at me for doing that before. But I didn't know she had just turned it off after boiling water to make some humming bird food. She was over on the other side of the kitchen watering her plants, when I jumped up on the range, then basically fell off trying to get off it so fast! I ran as fast as I could into the family room, then stopped to lick my paw. Mom ran over and tried to look, but I cried and meowed. So she got a bowl of water and soaked my paw in it, although I wouldn't let her keep it in there too long. Dad picked me up and cuddled me on my back, so both he and Mom could get a better look at my paw. There was no obvious damage, but I was clearly favoring it a bit. But now, some hours later, it doesn't seem to be bothering me too much, although I keep licking it. Mom and Dad are going to watch me closely over the weekend, and if it blisters, Dad will take me to the V-E-T on Monday. So purr for me that I don't need to go!
I don't think I'll be jumping up on the range any time soon.....
Poor little Tara. That is my biggest fear, that exact thing happening. Hopefully she will never do that again.
We'll all be praying that it doesn't blister, maybe she moved so fast when she realized it was HOT it didn't get that badly burned.
ML (Mary Lynn)
KC said... we's all purring an purraying fur Tara an i's gonna post this on tha Pet Purrs and Purrayers bloggie. Get well soon, Tara
Crikey - Pye did that recently but she missed the hot plate by a quarter of an inch! Poor you, we are so sorry.
OhTara!!! Purrs for your hurty paw :(
I hope you do not have to go to the Vet.The bowl of water was smart thinking by your Mom!! Sometimes Mom puts a pot of cold water on the burner until it cools down. But we can't help it we're cats and we're curious! :)
Purrs for your paw :)
Purrs Mickey
Oh no!!! We are so sorry you have a hurted paw! Maybe your Mom will put some aloe vera on it and that might help.
We will purray for your paw to be okay.
Junior, Orion and Meowm
Oh No!!! I hope yer pay feels better and I will be purrrrin furry har fer you cuz yer my bestest gurly cat furriend! I hopes you don't gots to go to da V-E-T. I jumps on da range all da time . . . and we gots gas so there is a flame! Luckily I has never jumped up there when da flame is goin' - now mommakitty will be watching me even more! Git well soon!
XOXOX - Luv, Kimo
Ooops! I meant PAW (not PAY)! - Silly me, I gots excited!
Oh tara you poor dear beautiful thing.
I must tell you - this happened to Baby Mao before - he did the exact same thing and his paw was sore for at least a couple of weeks. He had a limp for those two weeks but the human soothed it with the gel from an aloe vera plant and put a cold cotton wool press over it every day. After a couple of weeks he was fine so please tell your human not to worry, it will be fine but yes, if it blisters up then certainly go to the vet but rest assured our paw pads are like human skin in that they heal pretty quickly. You won't even have a mark, trust me.
Still, I am sending kisses to your paw anyway xxx
Dis scares momma cuz we try to jump up der. Mom puts old pans on der to kinda block us from doing dat...We'z so sorry yoo burnt yoo pawsie Tara, we sure hope it don't blister! Maybe yoo din't burn it too bad if yoo got off fast enuff.
Yikes! You poor thing! We're sending lotsa love & purrs. We sure hope it doesn't blister. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Ow ow ow ow ow ow... I hope you don't blister and don't have to see the stabby guy.
But what's a person gonna do? We're cats, and we jump. Sometimes we land on their sandwiches and sometimes the stove. Either way they get upset.
Ouch Tara :( We hope your paw feels better soon and it isn't too badly burnt.
We used to have a stove top like that, and burnt ourselves a few times too.
Tara, We are purring for your hurt paw. We hope it wasn't hurt to badly, and that you don't have to go to the V-E-T. If your mom and dad can put some aloe on your paw, that will help a lot, and if its all natural, it won't hurt you if you lick it off.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Dear little Tara! Please put some witch hazel soaked cotton pads on your ouchie...this really helps the healing. SO sorry this happened. I always jump on the counters and walk across the ceramic cook top! Mommy always has a kettle of water to place on a just used burner because I will not stop jumping up!
Love Miss Peach
Ouch! poor you. We hope it duzn't blister and you don't haf to go to the V E T. I jumped up on the woodburner when I wuz a baby kitty and burnt all my pads. Mum had to put cream on them efurryday but they got better very quickly. I never jumped up there again.
OUCHIE! I am so sorry your little pad got hurty. I hope it feels better soon.
oh my darling Tara...what a horror for you to endure, I hope Kavan has been punished for the trauma you have suffered! i also hope that you will get revenge on the Humming Birds...afterall it is their fault the cooker was switched on!
sending gentle kisses for you softy paw...make sure you rest up today and milk it for all it is worth! xxxx
Ow, Tara! That really hurts just thinking about it. We'll be purrin' for you, your paw, and for your beans. We hope you don't have to go to the V-E-T!!!
Oh no Tara! We are purring and praying hard for you. Maybe you should go to the vet anyhow? We wouldn't want anything to happen to you.
Dear Tara, take care... maybe some furry slippers would feel good on your little feet. Be well soon.
Oh dear, poor Tawa! I'm puwwing and puwwing for you because a visit to the vet is never fun! That Thing in mine house woves to jump up onto the stove too no matter how much mine Mummy scolds him. I shall have to tell him your stowy.
OH NO! Tara! You poor baby! I know how tempting that can be, but oh dear - what an Owie!
I hope it does not blister and that you are not hurting!
Healing smooches!
Oh no! OUCH!!! This is one our Momma's biggest fears. You poor baby! Take care of that paw! Purrayers it gets better soon!
Oh poor tara that one of are biggest frears too That I babby Iris who relly not so babby any more l do that. we will be purring for you
Lilly Lu , Babby Iris and Mu shue too
We hope your paw is not hurting anymore. The water was a good idea!
Hope a V-E-T visit won't happen.
~ The Bunch
OH MY CAT!!!! Tara!!! oh honey you poor thing. we is sending lots of cooling and healing purrss to you.
owie miss tara, we finks yoo shud soak yer paw outside in the bird bath
Owee!!! We's so sorry yore paw is hurty, Tara! We'll send lotsa purrs. We's glad yoo got down fast and that yore Mommy was smart to put yore paw in water fast.
Alla the Hotties
EG did that when he was a little baby. It was super hurty for a while, but he didn't have to go to the V-E-T. He did have to get his paw soaked in ice water, which made him a little crabby. hee
We hope your paw feels better soon and that you don't get any blisters. Lots of headbutts and purrayers headed your way.
Oh no! Poor Tara. I'm sorry your paddy paw is all hurty. I hope it starts to feel better soon so you don't have to go to the v-e-t. Sending you lots of cool purrs.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Oh noes, so sorry about your poor hurt paw! We're alll purring and praying you get well soon!
Oh no Tara! We are so sorry you hurt your paw!
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Did yoo burn off your tail too? Oh, thare it is, yoo wuz jes sittin on it rite? Well I'm so sorry to heer of your owie, I hope it stops hurtin. Good thing yoo gots fast reflecks so I hope its not burned too much. Extra purrs comin yur way today!
I'm happy to hop over and clean it for you so it feels better! ~Fiona Bun
Ouch, Tara! That hurts just thinking about it. Jan yells at us for jumping on the stove even when she's not cooking but we don't stop.
Oh Tara, mom never lets me visit bloggies much anymore!
I have not been to your blog in days.
I hope your paw gets all better.
ps: mom is a nurse. Do NOT put oil or butter on it.
Put ice on it... if you can
Oh Tara, we are so sorry to hear about your hurty paw!! We hope it doesn't blister and that you don't have to to go to the VET! Healing vibes to your paw!
Your FL furiends,
Tara my dear, I am so sorry to hear about that! I hope that your paw keeps doing much better. At least you jumped off. At my human's vet once they had a Siamese who jumped on the woodstove top and wasn't smart enough to jump down and kept trying to find a less warm place to stand...
Just checking back to see how yoor paw is doing...hope it's getting better.
Oh, ouch! You need lotsa treats to make that all better, right? Right!
Oh, owie! That sounds like it really hurt your paw. I hope that you don't have to go to the VET, but maybe an antibiotic shot might be the best thing ...
Tara, we just heard about your oucher from the stove. We're hoping you didn't keep your toeses on there long enough to do any major damage.
Oh no, I am so sorry that you burned your little foot. I hope it is OK and you don't have to go to the Vet. Stay off of the stove!!!
Poor Tara - we are purring for you!!!
I don't know if you have medicinal aloe growing where you live.... but if you do - take a leave, slice it in half length wise and put the inner side on the paw! It takes away the pain immediately and makes the burn heal fast!!!!! WORKS LIKE A MIRACLE! My maid has tried it!
Owww! You poor paw! Purrrrrrrrr
Oh poor girl. We are glad to hear that your foot is not too bad. We hope you don't have to go to the VET.
Oh no, Tara! Burns make such a terrible owie, but we're so glad to hear your poor little paw isn't blistering. Aloe is very good for taking away the pain, and so is noni juice. We hope you don't have to go to the v-e-t!
You stay off the stove, now, you hear?
Purrs for your paw,
Oah No, Tara!!!!
I am purring and praying for your paws!!!!!
Goodness, I hope that you don't have to go to the vet. I'm so glad that your paw looks better. Willow and I stopped by earlier but didn't have time to comment but we have been purring for you all day, sweet Tara!
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat
Sorry about the ouchie on your paw, Tara.
We are sending our purrrs for u to get well soon!
Kissies and Purrs,
Oh Miss Tara, we are so sorry that you hurt little foot! We sending you ten kitty kisses from Italy in hopes that it will make your paw feel better!
Get well soon!
Opus and Roscoe
Ouch! I hope that your paw doesn't blister and that you don't have to go to the vet. Aloe vera is really good for burns. I hope that it stops hurting really soon.
Ouch! I just read this. I hope you don't have to go to the VET. You probably moved that paw off the hot burner quickly so I'm sure it will be fine.
We are purring and purring and praying for your paw to get all better soon.
Did Kavan apologize for teaching you to get up on counters???
I am so glad to know that you are better. BE furry careful...
Oh how furry scary dat musta beens. I gots scarded jus reedin yur postie. I hopes yur pawsy wil be okies an no hurty soon. I will puuurrrsss fur yoo.
OOOOUUCH!!! I hope your paw heals real fast!
those blogosphere purrs sure do work! ise been eating so well..and I was healthy enough today to be able to restart chemo!!!
glad you are OK Tara xxx
Aww poor Tara!! Chase came to us after having been burned on his paws (probably a similar incident). I sure hope your paw is feeling better soon!
Tara I burned my paw that way too. I just walked across the thing before it cooled off. Now whenever mum is done using a burner, she moves her half full but cold tea kettle on the warm area. That prevents me from getting on the hot spot.
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