Mom and Dad usually think I'm such a good girl. But I have them fooled most of the time. I egg Kavan on to do the bad stuff, get in on the action, then he gets the blame. Last night I conned Kavan into opening the door into Dad's office. We are FORBIDDEN to go in there. But there is some major cool stuff there! So Kavan started working on the door. But he is not very bright, and had to announce to the world what he was doing! So Dad went to the door just as Kavan was opening it. I heard the door open from the living room, and went running to get in. Dad just got there and yelled at Kavan, who, silly boy he is, stopped before going in and looked at Dad and said "what??". I went racing in, and Dad started yelling at me! Darn! I got in trouble instead of Kavan! I need to work on my timing....
I am sure finally your dad will know Kavan's doing, hahaha~!!
You are very smart girl, TARA~
Sounds like all your plans got messed up, Tara. Tell Kavan to wait until everyone's asleep at night!
Wow, Tara! You must be sliping!
uh oh, the plans shur gotted messed up!
Sounds like KidBean and SweetBean...
You know how brofurs can be...
That's 'cause you're the Princess and my daughter. Always have another cat do the dirty work!
Darn! It'll work better next time. :)
Ooops. Did you tell him you were just getting in front of Kavan to make sure he didn't go in?
I do the same thing with Ivy . . . but don't let mommy know . . .
Hmmm, back to the drawing board!
Ooops, we don't think dad was suppose to show up just then. We don't have to try to get Speedy in trouble, he does a good job of that by himself.
Uh-oh, you're going to need to work on your timing. I always get the blame furr things that happen here. That's probly cuz I do most of them though.
Timing is furry impawtant. Rest up ofur the weekend and maybe yoo'll fink of a noo plan.
We agree with Lux. Convince Kavan to wait until nighttime when everyone is asleep, and then you can have maximum fun.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Nice try Tara.
Ayla Meezer Rule: When something wrong going on, paticipate but run away afore you are noticed bein there.
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