Mom got home! We were both so exicited, we rubbed all over her and gave her kisses. And she found a box on the dining room table. Dad had told her about it, but she told him not to let me open it until she got home. It was a box from Daisy Mae Maus, and I've been very, very curious.

Look, a hand painted Siamese squillion! Daisy Mae sent me a nice note saying I've been so good with Kavan (uh....) that she sent me this little gift. I was so excited I gave him (he looks like a him) a big kiss immediately.

Kavan also came over and said Hi.

Mom was afraid we'd break him, so she put it on the table, but I followed.

Oh, he smelled so good, I couldn't control myself, so gave his ear a big nibble

Unfortunately, I chipped the paint on his ear before Mom could rescue him. I'm sorry Daisy Mae, but I love him so much! I need to come up with a great name! He is so much calmer than Kavan, and will give me a much needed break!
Oh, s/he's furry kyoote. S/he even hafs bloo eyes. We can tell yoo love it Tara.
How lovely that you bonded so quickly!
Oh, he's really cute!
I'm jealous. I want a real squillion that I can chew on. It looks fun to play with.
Is yer baby Squillion a gurl or a boy? Have I been replaced?
It was very nice of you and Kavan to give your new squillion such a good welcome.
Oh what a kyoot little Squillion. Looks like yoo reely love him alreddy.
That's a cool squillion! Wowzers!
that's a cute squillion - how about Calmy for a name? hee hee
I fink you named him already, Tara! Chip! He's really cute. Squillions are good house-mates. Charcoalie is pleased to learn another squillion has found a good home. Purrs!
ha ha oh tara you DO love your squillion!! That is so cute! And much quieter than kavan. You two will have so much fun together ha ha xx
That's a very cute squillion. You seem to really like :)
WAY toooooo cute!
Oh, Tara!
I'm so glad that your squillion is there! It sounds like "Chip" is an excellent suggestion for a name.
Oh Tara, that last picture with your paw on the squillion was priceless.
Your Florida furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
Cute! What are you gonna' name him? Jeter sent me one and he doesn't have a name yet - we're still deciding!
chip is cute
What a wonderful gift from my lovely girlfriendcat DaisyMae. It looks like you really love it.
wow wut a byootiful squillion!
da baby squillionz ar takin over! dere should be a "baby squillion day"
luv--yer frend--jh (an mi squillion, laffin an laffin.)
That is one cute Squillion! I don't think a little ear nibble is a big deal. You had to mark your Squillion with a love bite.
Oh, Tara, you are sooo cute with that baby Squillion! But then, you are cute no matter what!!
That is the cutest Baby Squillion we've evfur seen. We would have marked it's ear, too! Dat shows possession.
~ Napoleon and Miss Emily
KC Said...
O, Tara, i's gotted a Squillionfrom Cocoa Puff fur my Secret Paw...
Purrs, KC
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