Sunday, July 1, 2007

Sunday Drive

So we drove up to our mountain house yesterday. It was Kavan's first trip, so I had to show him the ropes. Mom and Dad put us in our separate PTUs and put them in the back seat facing each other so we could see each other, then put a blanket over us. When we started, Kavan cried a little bit, but I talked to him and calmed him down. All was going well until about 45 minutes into the drive. I found I really needed to poop! So I yelled "Mom, I need to poop!". But they kept driving. So I cried again, "MOM I REALLY NEED TO POOP!". But they thought I was just upset for being in my PTU, and kept driving. It was terrible, the litter box was on the floor and I just couldn't get to it. So I'm embarrassed to say I just had to go in the PTU. Mom and Dad smelled it immediately and pulled over, and was surprised to find out it was me and not Kavan. I tried to tell them! Oh, the indignity of being pulled out of a stinky PTU and cleaned up along the side of the road was more than any princess should bear! But Mom and Dad were prepared, and got me all cleaned up and gave me a fresh blanket. They profusely apologized for not understanding. Well, I deserved that apology!

The rest of the trip went really well. We were quiet, and slept most of the way. At the top of the big mountain, we got to go out for a cool walk. It almost made up for the earlier indignity. Kavan was scared, but I showed him how to smell the mountain flowers, scratch your claws on a big pine tree, and climb this cool rock.
Kavan was starting to get the hang of it.

I'm sorry I pooped in the PTU Mom! I tried to tell you, maybe next time you will understand what I'm trying to say. But I'm really glad you brought us along!


HRH Yao-Lin said...

Oh Tara, please don't be ashamed. It was not your fault. The fault lies entirely with the humans. Maybe next time they will listen to you when you tell them you need to use the litter tray!!! You poor darling, please don't feel bad.


Anonymous said...

It is the humans that should be embarassed. They should really learn to distinguish your meows from each other.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Omigosh, da beans can be kinda dumb sometimes. Definitly not yoor fawlt, yoo know what dey say - when yoo gotta go, yoo gotta go! It looks like yoo and Kavan were haffing a reely good time.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Pine trees! Organic scratching posts are the best!

Daisy said...

Do not be embarrassed about the poopie incident. It was not your fault. You tried to tell them!

That looks like a very fun walk you and Kavan had in the mountains. Those rocks look a little scary! I am glad you were there to show Kavan the ropes.

Honey P. Sunshine said...

that looks really fun, aside from the poopie incident

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yoo'll haf to give yer Beans catspeak lessons cuz it wuz obveeussly their fault not yours. Looks like yoo had fun in the woods.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Wowy Kavan is already growin' so big! You is such a good sister to show him da ropes!

Just Ducky said...

You poor thing. Your beans clearly must learn to react faster to your demands.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

You are so brave doing that~!

Ivan from WMD said...

It looks like you two had lots of fun despite that unfortunate deafness on your mom and dad's part.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

How humiliating for you! At least you taught your mom and dad a lesson!

That looks like a great place for exploring, but we find enough adventures at home. We can't believe how good you are about traveling. Teleporting is our favorite mode of travel.


Artsy Catsy said...

Tara, I have a feeling the next time you give them a pit stop meow, your humans will pull right over! You're such a good mountaineer to teach Kavan what to do.


Samantha & Mom said...

Accidents happen when they don't listen to us. The trees and rocks and leashes looked great. We bet it was loads of fun.
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Oh Tara, it's not your fault. Your humans should have listened to you!

You and Kavan look like you are having lots of fun outside. Great photos!

Monty Q. Kat said...

It was totally the beans fault, you tried to tell them! What's a PTU, though?

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh tara, it's ok. Grampa Norton used to do that all the time - but he didded it on purpose to make Mommy stop and change the papers and blankies in the PTU.
Don't be embarassed sweet Tara.

Parker said...

Awwww poor baby! It wasn't your fault! I bet that never happens again!

snowforest said...

Oh don't worry Tara ~ these things happen ~ glad you had fun in rest of the trip :)

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Oh dearie, I feel for you, Tara...but sometimes ya gotta do this dirty work so that mommy and daddy understands that you are NOT to be ignored!


Forty Paws said...

Poor Tara! When you've gotta go, you've just gotta go!!! Don't be embarrassed. You did your best to warn them.

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