Can you believe I have been suffering with this slip of a fur ball for one whole year??? This is what Kavan looked like when Mom first saw him at the breeders. She was actually looking at two other kitties and he just nosed his way right in...

You would have thought Mom would have known better with such forwardness, but no, she had do chose HIM! This is his first night in his nursery at home...

Its hard to imagine he would amount to anything.

I mean, he had no shame!

And even our first trip to the mountain house, he tried to take over MY chair!

Kavan actually had a pretty rough start. The breeder almost wouldn't let him go home with Mom and Dad as he was sneezing alot. Even once he got home, he went through two rounds of antibiotics while the v-e-t tried to figure out what was wrong. This is Kavan as burrito cat...

Finally the v-e-t noticed Kavan kept tilting his head. So he looked further in his ears, which had already been treated for a bad case of ear mites. He had a ruptured ear drum! The fluid from the ear kept draining to his nose and throat, making him sneeze and cough. Once Kavan got on the right antibiotics to treat this, he (unfortunately for me) was fine! (although all the rounds of antibiotics gave him awful squirts!)

Kavan has always been a Daddy's boy. He loves playing and snuggling with Dad.

Sinks, doors, drawers, cabinets, nothing is safe around Kavan!

But he loves Mom lots too, see him cuddling up to her after she had a bit of a nose procedure...

Maybe he is not so bad. I must admit it is nice not being alone so much anymore.

(Thanks to Zoolatry for the graphic!)
Happy Gotcha Day Kavan, you 15 pounds of meezer mancatliness!
Happy Gotcha Day Kavan!
Happy Gotcha Day, Kavan! :) We hope you have a great day! :) You were an adorable little kitten, and we are glad your ears problems were fixed!
Happy Gotcha day Kavan. Those are great photos of you.
Your furrst year has gone so quickly. We told mum it's cuz she's getting aynsunt that everything seems to go by quickly.
Happy Happy Gotcha Day to you Kavan!!!!
Happy Gotcha' Day Kavan!
Happy Gotcha Day Kavan
Happy Gotcha Day Kavan!!! we 'amember when we seed you for the ferst time!!
Happy Gotcha Day, Kavan.
We really enjoyed the look back at your furrst year together.
Purrs and Hugs,
KC & The Sherwood Bunch
Happy Gotcha Day Kavan!
Happy Gotcha Day Kavan! Look Tara even kind of likes you!!!!
Wow, that year sure went by fast!!
Happy Gotcha Day, Kavan. 15 lb. is a very respectable weight for a Mancat1
15 pounds?!!!!!!! Now that's a Mancat for sure :)
I hope you get spoiled today and every day :) (Tara too )
Purrs Mickey
Kavan it just seems like yesterday and it's been a whole year...wowowowowowowow!
Happy Gotcha Day big boy!
Happy Gotcha Day Kavan! What a great Mancat you've grown into from a sweet little kitten. I can't believe it has already been a year!
Ear problems stink for sure, I hope you never have them again.
Enjoy your big day!!
Happy Gotcha Day Kavan!
Happy Gotcha Day Kavan! We think Tara did an egzellent job of raising yoo...
Happy 1st Gotcha Day Kavan and many, many mooooore!!!! Golly ayear sure has gone by fast! You were such a cutie as a kitten and a very handsome Mancat today! Here is a gotcha ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hug)))))))))))))))))))!
Your FL furiends,
HAPPY GOTCHA DAY, KAVAN! I loved seeing all of those pictures of you.
Happy Gotcha Day "little" Kavan (who outweighs Chase by 2 lbs!). It feels like yesterday that you came home.
Happy Gotcha Day, Kavan! I cannot believe he is all growed up so quickly. He really weighs 15 pounds? Wowie!
Happy Gotcha Day Kavan! And Happy Surviving a Year Tara!
Happy Gotcha Day, Kavan!
Not The Mama
and the purries from
purrchance to dream
Happy, happy gotcha day, Kavan! I knew I wanted mine mom, too. Yup, Tara likes you, like it or not.
Man-catly purrs and attack hugs!
Oh, Kavan, we're glad you were gotcha'd! It would have been terrible if you hadn't been able to come home with your new mom and dad to meet your sister.
Happy Gotcha Day you gorgis meezer! Fifteen pounds of pure mussil I'm sure. I'm glad yoo and Tara are good buds now. My Gotcha Day is a week from today!
Happy happy gotcha day!! Purrs from Australia. :)
Happy Gotcha Day Kavan!!!!!!!!!
Happy Gotcha Day Kavan.
Happy Gotcha Day, Kavan!!!
All us Good Cats want to add our best wishes on Kavan's Gotcha Day (we all have G'Days of our own). One year already for this growing mancat in training. We wish all of you many more happy years together!
Happy gotcha day Kavan!
Happy Gotcha Day Kavan. We can't believe that you have been with your Mom, Dad and Tara for a whole year. It has just gone by so fast.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Happy Gotcha day Kavan!!!
Karl and Ruis
OMGOSH I thought I was looking at Griffin for a moment! You sure have changed alot :) My gotcha day is coming up soon too, I was tiny when I moved in with my humans. I wonder where all the white furrs go... oh right, on the sofa :)
Happy gotcha day!
Lots of purrs and snuggles, Tamra
HAPpY GOTCHA DAY! its nice to be gotted! ~Empress
Happy Gotcha Day, Kavan! You apparantly love your family very very much, and we're glad that everything turned out great for you!
Happy Belated Gotchversary!!!! It is great to be gotted, isn’t it?
I hope you had a super happy gotcha day, Kavan!
Happy Belated Gotcha Day, Kavan. I can't believe that it's been a year already. You have certainly grown up into a handsome mancat.
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