Hang in there Sweetie, it will feel better in a few days.....
I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
Hiya Tara! How dids you burn you paw? youz gonna feel better soon and den you can whap lots of buggiez!!
Daisy wikes whappin buggiez, speshully da buggiez hidin in our dishwashur! Mawmeez havin trubble gettin rid of bad buggiez. Weze dont knohz how dey gotz in da house... cept from maybee cardbord boxes frum Wal-Martz!
Just ta let you know, Kavan, I wike strawburriez, too!
Katie Ann Kitty Too.
KC said...
O, Tara, yours paw is still sore. You's just lucky it didn't get burned worsted.
It'll feel better soon...
I's purring fur you.
Prolly feels like yoo gots a bee sting, not like Auntie Bea but from a bug type bee. If yoo rest it fur awhile it will prolly feel better.
that kitty needs a mitten
Little Tara dear...I am glad you are getting better. Maybe the bug whapping needs to wait for a bit. Maybe you can try your skill at catching them in the air?
You are looking very beautiful outside...
Love Miss Peach
Oh Tara, we are sorry your paw hurts. Maybe you should see the vet even though it didn't blister? You look very cute in those photos.
Owie, Tara! Grayson did that once. It actually did blister a teeny bit, but he was all better in a few days. He doesn't do stove tops anymore.
It's no fun whapping when you still have an owie. I hope you're back to maximum whapping power soon!
awwwwwwww poor Tara!!!! we is so sorry your paw is still herty! don't werry though, the whapping will come back soon
paw kisses tara
Kisses for your paw Tara :) Be sure to use it to get sympathy treats from your Mom!!!!
Purrs Mickey
We're sending you a picture later today... that's our comment!
poor Tara! it must be hard to not bug whap, especially when you're so good at it!
just a few more days dear Tara and those bugs will fear you again. bendrix and i are purrin and purrin your paw gets all better right now.
Wapping bugs can be fun, but frustrating.
Sorry your paw is still sore. We hope it heals soon.
Oh Tara I am so sorry. I hope you get lots of attention and love while your paw heals.
I don't like yogurt. And I diddint reely like the hot dog eether. It wuz one of those fat free things that dont taste like nuthin. I just ate the bun.
I hope your paw feels bedder reel soon and yur bak to whappin whutefur yoo want.
Poor paw! I hope your whapper is back in shape soon!
We're sending paw-healing vibes your way, Tara.
Oh Tara, I hope it heals up quickly! Sometimes if you have your mom kiss the hurty spot it helps.
Don't worry Tara it will be soon! And until then, as your Daddy Cat I promise to whap some extra bugs for you.
Hi Tara! Feel better soon pwease!
I hope that your paw is feelin' better, Princess Tara. It's no fun with a hurty paw.
Your poor thing.... I am sure your paw will be all back to normal soon! You were really lucky to not have it hurt more!
P.S. Don't forget to go to our wedding reception blog and post your picture!
I'm sendin' kissies to yer paw!
Sending little nose bumps to your paw. Fiona Bun
Tara, I am really glad that you did not hurt your paw any worse.
I am super happy to know that you are getting better.
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