Humphf, some meezer monday this is! Mom and Dad are going to the mountain house for an 'pointment without us for overnight. That means I have to stay home with only Kavan! Can you believe that? They are leaving me home alone with him! And he is going to expect me to play with him and keep him company. We will see about that. Maybe I can talk him in to opening all the cabinet doors and pulling everything out for inspection. If anyone wants to teleport over and help, come on by! Kavan is also good at opening the kitchen pantry, and I'm sure there are treats we can get into.
That should teach Mom and Dad.....
I'm on my way! (I see those laser eyes in the background of that picture!) :)
Hmmmm . . . sounds like a lot of fun, but I fink I gots to stay home and catch up on some Zzzz's.
We are totally come over. The buns can eat up the baseboards for you...
Okay, we'll come over to keep yoo company...Speedy can play wif Kavan and us gerls can just watch dem.
Big big hug to you~!!!!!
I am coming!!!
We hate being left alone overnight. We will be over to keep you company.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Au and Target would adore it. Care to share the secret of the teleport?
Par-tay! :)
we are on our way too!
A chance at learning to open cupboard doors AND spend time with Kavan! ... and Tara! Sweet deal, then my servants will have to watch out for more than just doors opening mwuhahaha. I'll bring Griffin over so he can have some fun before his special visit to the vet... maybe some of the mancats can help him be prepared for the big day.
Purrrs, Tamra
If I were your Mom and dad I would be very afraid!
Oh no, Tara. :( Sorry to hear your humans are leaving you and Kavan alone. :(
That is really unfair.
I'll be by to help trash the house and keep you company.
Uh oh! Poor Tara!
The twins and I will be right over.
I will be there! I am good at getting into cabinets! I'll bet there's some interesting stuff in there, too.
Skeeter and LC say I can teleport ofer ON MY OWN. Yippee. I wanna learn how ta open pantry doors.. I'll help spread stuff around when they are open!
WHAT?? I think that's illegal!
I wood love hangin out with sum meezers for a change!
Is it too late for us to come over and help rearrange the cabinets? We're very good at reorganizing things!!!!
Oh, I've never teleported before. How do I do it???!!! I'm sure that I can help.
lol! There's nothing like taking personal inventory of the humans' stuff.
Oh, I'm tellyportin ofur! I'm great at openin cupboards. I do it at home a lot and it makes Momma try to stay a step ahead of me but I'm hard to outsmart.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
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