I'm SOO excited! Mom said I could try out this blogging thing. She is concerned that, as a teenager, I might not have attention span to keep it up, but I promised to try! I was so excited I just couldn't sleep this morning. I kept snuggling into Mom's face, and giving her my paw love pats to get her to wake up. She has today off, so she wanted to sleep in. Then I burrowed under the covers (a trick I learned from Kaze's blog) and made biscuts on her tummy and purred REALLY loud. She finally got the message and got up. She told me most days she won't be able to help blog until evenings after work, so for those of you on the East Coast, you may not see my posts till the next day. But she told me she would try to get them out sooner.
These are Dad's shoes. I LOVE the way they smell! I rub myself all over them, and play in them. When I was smaller, I could almost fit completely in them! Now, I can only get my head into them. But I can still smell them. I love Dad, he buys me lots of toys and gives me Temptations!
That is a very lovely photo of you. As meezers, we are very curious creatures and I've found that shoes are extremely interesting!
Welcome Tara!
o, Tara, u's such a bee-you-tee-ful princess. welcome to tha Cat Blogosphere.
Lookin furrward to seeing 'n reading mores about you.
Hi Tara! Just heard about you from Latte and thought I'd stop by and say hi and welcome the the cat blogging community! You are such a purrdy princess and I look forward to more adventures with you! I will add you to my list of links I need to add and hopefully get everyone new added to my links section!
Hey KC! We posted at the same time! Cool!
Hi Tara, you are a lovely Meezer. Always glad to have another Meezer in the blogosphere.
My tabby, Missy Blue Eyes, shares your fondness for shoes.
Latte told us this was your first Meezer Monday. Welcome aboard.
Hey, Kat & KC... I almost got you... one second off!
Hi Tara, I am very glad to meet you! You are a very beautiful meezer. I have added you to my links so I can visit you all the time.
Thanks everyone for the nice welcome! I'll add you to my blog roll and check your sites as well! Tara
Welcome, welcome. You are very cute. We are so glad you have a blog now. We added you to our linksies.
Hi Tara! It's furry good to meet you :) Shoes are fun huh? And my sisfur Mini says your Dad my be extra sooper to buy you lotsa tem-tay-shuns.
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
Hi Tara and welcome. Momma sed yoo had beyootiful blue eyes and we agree. We're not meezers but we reely like 'em.
Oh, welcome and what beautiful eyes you have! We aren't Meezers either but we really like them too! We'll come back to see what you're up to later.
China Cat & Willow
Glad you decided to try out the blogging thing, Tara! Welcome!
Hi tara,
I luff shoes and tem-tay-tions too you should come meet my babby sisfre Iris she a babby meezer. Welcome to the caqt blogphire
Mu shue
Hi Tara! What a bee-you-tee-ful meezer you are. I can see that you are totally going to be Queen soon. I like that burrowing under the covers idea. Right now I just sit on mommy or daddy's chest, back shoulder (depending on how they are laying) and stick my nose into their nose, hair, ear etc. They get up real quick when it is the nose. tee hee hee
I'm glad to see you blogging (I just visited you the other day on Catster!) and I hope you like it :)
Hi Tara! You're a pretty Meezer. I was gonna say somefing bout lovin my mom's shoes, but now all I can think of is Temptations.
Uh, bye!
Shoes are pretty good, lots of interesting smells of there. You are very pretty meezer :)
Welcome to blogging Tara :-)
You are furry purdy Tara - do you have a tiara too? WE are gonna add you to our blogroll...come by and visit us - Kimo is a Meezer!
Kimo and Sabi, I don't have a tiara, but I think I deserve one! Tara
What a lovely lady! Welcome to our cat blogging community. Stop over and see us.
The Crew
Welcum Tara. Youse is bery bee-you-tee-ful. We ist new to blogging too. Der is 10 of us ofer at the Forty Paws blog. We ad u to owr blog roll fingee.
Tara, you are certainly a pretty meezer!! Jesse always enjoys meeting new princesses. She wants a teeara too!! Welcome to the blogosphere!! Come visit sometime!
Welcome to the Blogosphere, Tara!
Hi, Tara... welcome to the cat blogosphere. Mom loves your blue eyes
Hi Tara, I'm Derby. I saw on Latte's blog about you. You are a furry cute little Meezer.
Welcome to the blogoshpere.
Hi! Welcome to the Kitty Blogosphere!
welcome, tara! i found you at skeezix's scratching post. did you know he has the #1 site? he's pretty amazing.
it sounds like you have a good mom and dad. blogs, shoes and treats...all in one place! you lucky girl.
i'm going to add you to my blogroll. stop by and say 'hi' when you get a chance!
Hi Tara, welcome to the Cat Blogosphere. You are a very purrty lil princess meezer. We will have meowmize add your linkie to our blog as soon as we can.- Sia
Hi, Tara, you pretty thing. All 15 of us over here are very happy to meet you. And I've told my webcat, Ivan (he's a meezer, too) to put a link to you up on our blog.
CEO (Cat Executive Office)
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