Friday, January 26, 2007

Watching the Silver box

So, the photohunter's theme today is Silver. While not the best quality photo, this pic shows me expanding my horizons by watching the Discovery Channel on the big Silver Box. Mom and Dad keep it on for me while they are at work. I'm getting so smart (although its hard to improve on the innate inteligence of meezers in general), I going to work on my MzD (Doctor of Meezology), which I'll probably award to myself.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I like the Discovery Channel too! You are certainly very smart, Tara. My mom says most Meezers are (and that Sphynx are too!) Good luck with your MzD!

Lux said...

Oh, that's really a cute photo! I'll bet you ARE smart, Tara!

Daisy said...

It is always good to improve yer mind!

sammawow said...

We like that you are learning with the Discovery Channel. We also like Animal Planet - who doesn't?!?!? Great idea to get your MzD too.

China Cat & Willow

Forty Paws said...

You are so kyoot!!!! Dat pikshur makes you look bery tiny. Do u haf Catnip Video or any of doze speshul cat DVDs? We lufs dem. We attack da silver talkin pikshur box wen dey ist on it.
Glad to hear u wuz glued back togefer.
Luf, Us
Pee Ess. We will attend yur gradyashun cer-mon-e!!!

newbie meezer said...

Oooo you is so pretty :)

Gemini said...

Oh that looks like a lot of silver!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Hi Tara, my kitties love the Discovery Channel as well. I wonder how many kitties watch that very channel all day long?

Maybe that's why cats are so smart?

I like you are going for your MzD, very nice.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i think dis iz a eksellent pikshur fer da silver theme.
wut iz dat toy in da foregrownd?

Forty Paws said...

Yes Tara, u got al da kwestions correct!! Gud job sins u ist werkin on yur MzD.

We kaint tel da panther story til all the life poodies r introduzed.
Next Saturday. But it taint a good story.

Luf, Us

Emma's Kat said...

You look so cute staring intently at your program on the tv!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

You are one beautiful meezer!


Ingrid said...

My neighbor always leaves our TV on, when she takes care of Arthur and his sisters, while we are on holidays. Isn't that nice of her ? Arthur has also got a title and his sisters too !! It's really funny !

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

you sure do look like a very smart lady cat! Thanks for stopping by my blog!



I bet yu cood teach us some noo stuffs dat yu has learned offa da Discovery Channel.


Unknown said...

I like to also look at television.
I like the Discovery Chanel and Animal Planet.
¸.-´¸.-♥´¨) ¸.-♥¨)
(¸.-´ (¸.-` ♥ Besitos ♥.-´¯`-.♥

Catzee said...

Ooo, you look furry smart indeed! I don't fink I could sit still that long tho.

Skeezix the Cat said...

I reely love the Discuvvery Channul, too! Owr faverit show is Dirty Jobs, and Mr TF duz a grate Mike Rowe impersunayshun win he kleens owt the catbox.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

A doctorate of meezology sounds like a furry excellent title for such a distinguished meezer princess.

Me, I'd like to have a doctorate of furris prudence and practice law.