So Mom got to work at home today, so that means I don't have to wait for her to get home to blog a bit. This is me at our other house over the holidays. Mom tells me its in the mountains, what ever that is. We get in this big green mini house that shakes and moves. It has windows, but unlike the windows at our main house, stuff MOVES outside these! Mom and Dad just sit there, looking out at the moving stuff, for what seems like FOREVER. I have my carrier (which I use to sleep in at our main house), food, water and a small litter box, so it is like a house, but did I tell you it MOVES? Then, it stops, and we get out and go into our "mountain" house. I really like this house, it is big, with not much in it, and I can run and run. There are lots of neat things to look out the window at, like rabbits and chipmunks and hawks and things (haven't seen any vishus deer yet, but Mom says they are out there). As you can see in the picture, I have lots of toys. There are great big windows that bring in lots of sunny places to sleep. But these windows aren't covered, and they scare me a little bit at night. But I have Mom and Dad, so everything is OK.
What a cute little tummy! Tara, you look all tuckered out! What fun vacationing at your mountain house. Sounds like great fun! Question for you Tara: How old are you? Just curious, :)
Wow! You're so lucky to have a Mountain House! We just have one house and there are no mountains around here. You look so tired out by all of those great toys!
Oh, and don't worry about your paw pads, I looked just like you when I was your age. Same colored paw pads and fur! Its amazing how dark we get when we get older. I'm just "pet" quality too.
Oh it looks like you are tired from all the running around in the moutain house. You are a very lucky kitty to have more than one house!
Emma- I'm 5 months old, and get my "operation" next week... I'm already stocking up on food...Tara
Aw Tara, you look so sleepy. I'll bet you played with all those toys before you conked out!
Wow, you get to go in a big house that moves! You are really brave. I don't think I could do that. I cry everytime I have to go in the car.
How neat you even have your own scratcher at your mountain house! Let us know how your ladygardenectomy goes next week.
You the luckest mezzzer ever!!!! you got a moutin house we got a beach condo in fl but we never been only mama sometimes in the winter
Love the pictshur of yur mountain hideout and ALL yur toys!! You look like a petite meezer. Are you new? We guesses you is if you haven't had your operation yet. It's ok. U go to sleep and wake up later with itchy things in your tummy. Dunt eat them.
Oh, Tara ... You are a furry lovely meezer. I saw your comment on my cousin Suzanne's blog, so I had to zip on over to introduce myself.
Please come and visit me (and the Feline Americans, of course).
You look like playing with all those toys pooped you out! Sleep tight!
o, Tara, that's a great pickshure. looks like u's hafing a good time, guess all that running an chasing fings tired u's out.
u's gotsa a lots of toys.
Hi Tara! We're a little behind in welcoming you, and we see that you already have made a number of posts.
Mountain house! Sounds great--except for the traveling there part. We hate to travel.
What an adorable tum!
I don't know if you want them to do that 'operation' thing! You'll sleep and you won't feel anything, but they shave all the furs off of your tummy (but they grow back quick) and they put itchy string on your belly! I bited one of my out and then they took the other out too! Squeak hasn't had hers yet but she's only 2 months old! Hi, I'm Persephone! ~Persephone
Hi, Tara! Thanks for coming by my blog and wishing me well! ~Jack
Very cute tummy Tara! Your mountain house sounds great!
Look at all those toys! They look like lots of fun. :)
You got lots of great toys!
You live very well!! You´re lucky =^.-^=
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