The other night, Mom and I were playing with my orange-feather fishing pole toy. We were having so much fun, and Mom lafed so hard, and then I heard another kitty! Mom was hiding one, I was convinced! Even though Mom tried to tell me there was no other kitty, and that she made the hissing noise through her teeth when she lafed, I didn't believe her. It sounded just like another kitty! I just knew there was a kitty, so I got my laser beam eyes and I looked real hard. Since the kitty wasn't in Mom's chair, I went up the stairs to the kitchen.
Then I looked some more. I got nice and big and fluffy so the other kitty was sure to know who was in charge. Mom just kept lafin', and I kept hearing the other kitty! I looked in the kitchen, but couldn't find it! So, I just turned tail right on Mom and let her know what I thought about her hiding the kitty!

i finks u be a purr-fect frootbat, Tara. u's looks reel cute.
'n we loved tha search fur tha other cat, funnie.
You're so cute - and just look at that bottlebrush tail!
You are very cute Tara, even if you don't have ears that are quite as large as some other Frootbats!
Wow, your tail is really fluffy and your fur is standing on end! How silly of your mom to try hiding another kitty on you!
Wat great pikshurs!!! We luf yur bottlebrush tail. Awesum! U show dat oder kitty who's da boss. Sick 'em!!
How r yur stitches doin?
Luf, Us
OH Tara yu are so koot. S'pecially wif that fluffy tail! I bet yu told dat ghost kitty to stays away,diddn't yu?
Wow Tara, if I were another kitty I'd be scared of you, its quite obvious who's in charge in your house!
You look cute with yer hair standing on end!
We still don't know about yous being frooty, but we DO know yous is the most beyoootyful Meezer girl (wink, wink, flirt, flirt)!
Wow, Kimo and Sabi are bof flirtin wif yoo. Our mom duz dat sumtimes, she hides da uffer kitty reely good cuz we'z neffur found it eefer.
I blushing....
You did the right thing to look around carefully. Good body posture, too! Nice back arch and your tail looks great.
Oh what a puffy tail you have Tara!
u gave yer mom da tail?
i am laffin an laffin!
mi brudder mickey gave mi noo brudder matsui da tail jus da udder day!
oooooooooooo look at those ears! Very cute. Don't take this wrong, but even puffed up, you're an awfully cute kitty. You tell those other kitties to stay away from your house!
Cute, cute, cute...love your fluffy tail!
China Cat & Willow
Thanks for visiting Kimo & Sabi again - they're so frustrated with the New Blogger they had to go get nipped out and take a nap! I'm hoping to fix our problems over the weekend - your 2nd comment came thru to their blog just fine - you're a sweetie!
OOOH!!!! I like yer big tale akshun! I cood never git my tale to be that big!
Great catitude and frootiness Tara :)
Wow you look very fierce. We are sure that other kitty was very scared and ran away.
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