Meezer Rule: Even if it is raining, insist on going out of doors. Then act disgusted with the rain, and blame it on your humans. It will make them feel really guilty.
I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
We didn't get any rain - We hope you'll be ok with Daddy leaving. DKM is dumping us with Popi for 2 weeks!
Rain? Whut da...? It's sunny at our house! Is yer dad gonna visit Luxor?
Sorry - I do NOT go out into the rain, no, no, no!
I am impressed that you go outdoors in the rain. Rain is wet and cold, so I prefer to stay indoors!
Oah, Raining, that is no fun~~~~
We don't like winter, but we don't mind gitting wet in the rain. We make mum come outdoors wiv us but she duzn't like gitting wet.
Don't worry, Saturday will soon be here.
I have never been let outside if not in the servants arms so I never experienced rain, however, it seems very similar to the shower which I just LOVE! Just jump in and out of water range and when its done falling lick the whole floor LOLOL
The servants say that when all the leaves are on the ground it will be winter, I've never seen the white snow they talk about but apparently its the only season that I can blend in with my fur!
Meezer rule does not work for me. Bean just way "What? You wanted to go out." ::Lashes Tail::
Hahahaha! That's a good rule.I can't use it since I don't go out, but still...
Sorry yer Dad will be away. :(
winter, poop
You said the W word. That is on Meowmy's BAD list. Sorry your dad went away, that isn't fun.
It's been raining cats and dogs here...MOM I didn't see any cats or dogs fallin from the sky! OH Abby it's only a figure of speech...Oh oh OK...it's raining cats and dogs here den!
Zippy asked to go out in da rain last nite! Dad came in and sed it was raining cats and dogs outside and mom sed fer him not to step in a poodle! Our beans are weerd. Mom's hoping fur a long fall season. She hates shoveling snow!
We don't get out, but Georgia always gave Momma a look when it was raining that clearly told her Georgia KNEW this was a ploy to keep her inside.
I hope you Daddy comes back to snuggle soon!
I never been outside in the rain before. It might be OK if I was wearing my cute pink raincoat.
WE never get any rain here.... it would be so nice. Can you get your naughty humans to make some rain happen here?
What is it with the Daddies this week?? They all went away!
That is one of the best rules ever.
wow you aree brave! if one tiny tiny teeny drop of water touches me i run and run and run as fast as i can! i HATE it! xxxx
That's a very good Meezer rule, Tara. I'm sorry that you are missing your Dad. Saturday will come fairly soon.
Hey, your dad's coming where I live - I'll probably see him somewhere and not know it!
we like to go outside even when it ranes becuz haf our deck is coverd. our secretarry is gone this week and we ar stuk in the house. we ar not happy. at leste she left the computr on for us.
Send some rain here, the grass is too crunchy to walk on. :P
It rained here yesterday too! That's why the lizards came inside to visit us!
Saturday will be here before you know it.
Luf, Us
Only 2 days til Saturday!!!
thanks for viziting me, lovely Tara!
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