Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tummy Tuesday and Another Award!

Kavan is really getting TOO big for his britches. He seems to forget who is the top royal in this household. And you need to have "presence", so a little "heft", ehhum, full figure, gives you stature.

So a leisurely groom reminds him that this is really my back yard. He is, however, a meezer, which gives him some royal blood, even if not the same class as myself. So I'm kind and tolerant. In addition, I must admit he is a blast to play with.

Marie was so kind as to give me this award! Mom does call me sweet all the time, especially when I'm being especially nice to Kavan, even after he has really gotten on my nerves (the boy never slows down)! Although I must admit I've been called aloof and snooty too. The trick is to keep them guessing.
This award has made it around so fast I'm having a hard time coming up with a sweet kitty who hasn't already been nominated! I nominate Gemini, even if she has been nominated already, because she is always so sweet to me!


Gemini said...

Oh thank you thank you thank you Tara! This means I get to have the blog at least one more day this week to tell efurryone that you gave me this wonderful award.

That is so furry nice of you.

If you want Eric and Flynn to come visit you too, just say so. We will put you on their schedule--probably for next week!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You look very royal lounging in your yard, Tara. Congratulations on your award! :)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Hey hey hey~!!! Tara, you certainly well deserved this award~!!! Congratulations~!!!

You are so handsome lying there~!!!!!! Michico says she wants to hug you~!!

Daisy said...

Tara, you must keep Kavan in line so he understands you are in charge. I think you have a cute figure.

Parker said...

You look lovely - you have posing for the camera down to a science!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Give him a little time, he'll prolly end up heftier den yoo. Speedy did and we call him big butt and make fun of him when mom sez "oof" while picking him up. We think yoo look just fine, Tara!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Oh that looks like a relaxing way to spend the day. I want to go outside now!

Catzee said...

Oooo, ya gotted that award too! KC awarded it to me but it isn't on mine bloggie yet. I like the pichurs of yur tummy!

The Meezers or Billy said...

you look furry regal and beautiful Tara!!!

LZ said...

You are perfectly proportioned. Don't let Kavan make fun of you, he's still a gangly kitten. Kittens don't have their bodies set up right yet.




You look so good lying there and concats on your award!


Boy said...

Yes, you should always show them where your pwaces are. Even if Kavan is woyalty, he's still not of the same cwass as you!
Concatuwations for the award!

The Crew said...

Tara, you don't look "hefty" to me. I think you look fine!

Your friend

The Furry Fighter said...

nice award for a nice kittie!
i don;t know how you put up with Kavan's boldness - i finks you should have a chat with him, remind him he is not the Alpha Cat! :)

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Such a royal kitty! And congratulations on your award. You are a very sweet kitty - you even came to greet us on our first day blogging!

None said...

You look very royal as usual Tara, and don't worry, you don't have a tubby tummy!

Can you tell Kavan that I did get his message last night although whatever it is that he wrote I was not allowed to read past the first sentence! Lady servant says I'm still too young for some topics and that I need to atleast start my heats before I can have the talk about the birds and the bees. I don't know what made her so insane, I've already met plenty of birds!

Purrrs to you both!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Oh Tara, you have a voluminous presence and Kavan can't help but respect that. See how tactful I am?


Mickey's Musings said...

Tara,I think you are just fine. The young whipper snappers always want to take yer place! Ya gotta sho them who'd boss ;)
Pee Ess: Yer Dad is really handy and did a fine job on yer stand.Good thing he's around!!

Irishcoda said...

You look so nice and relaxed, Tara! :)

Lux said...

Congratulations on your "sweet" award, Tara!

I think you have a lovely figure.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Congratulations on your award, beautiful Tara. You look extraordinarily regal there.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your award!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Yer a sweetie!

P.S. nice tummy!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Tara, you got a cute brown patch on your belly.