I hope all kitties have a safe, INDOOR Halloween! And we are sorry to hear about Mia, our thoughts are with her family. We had not updated our wall of remembrance in a while, so are taking the opportunity to do so now for October. On this All Hallow's Eve, thinking of those at the Bridge.
PS: We DID feel the earthquake! Mom was still in the plane coming home, but Dad and Kavan and I sure felt it. Mom noticed some plaster flakes on the floor when she got home from a crack that opened up wider because of the quake. It was quite a ride!

I am ever so glad that your Momma made it home safe and that you are safe after the earthqueke. That is a very nice costume you have Tara!
Glad you momma is home safe sound. We sure hope she had a good time in Hawaii. Our mom lived there for 2 years when she was just 7 years old. Mom daddy was in the Navy. She won't let us tell you how long ago that was - but it was before Hawaii became a state. Your costume is very cute. Happy Halloween and be safe!
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Happy Halloweeeeeeen Tara and same to your cutie little brother!!
we have never felt an earthquake...but we have had our share of hurricane remnants.
we are glad your house is okay and that all of you are okay!!
both of you look so cute!! no, we didn't feel the quake, we are too far east i guess
Glad yoor mom made it home, bet she missed you lots. Yoor costoom is really cute.
We're so glad you guys are safe! You look very witch-y in your costume. Happy Halloween!!!
We dont like wearin costumes, but we gotta admit that's a good one. An if you liked it, that's cool!
Skeeter and LC
Happy Halloween, Tara and Kavan! I'm glad you didn't get too quaked!
I'm SO happy you're back! I really missed you. I love your beautiful costume, you look divine! I don't blame you about the hat thing.
Yer costume is super cute! We're glad you survived da earthyshake!
Happy Halloween to you and Kavan (and your Mom and Dad, too)!! Great costume, and we're glad you're all okay after the earthquake!!
You look so cute in your costume Tara and we are glad you are safe from the earthquake! And that you Momma got back from Hawaii safely! Happy Halloween!
Your FL furiends,
Happy Happy Halloween~!
Your dress are very very very beautiful~!!!!!!!!
So glad that your mommy is home and you are all safe~!!!
kiss from Adan
You look great in your Hallowe'en costume, Tara. It is very pretty. I am glad your mom is home safe and that you are safe after the earthquake.
Yeah, costume not TOO bad. Hat was a real pain!
'Loved your costume, Tara,and that was a good idea to make Kavan wear the hat. We're glad that you're mom is back home where she belongs.
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