Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sulking Sunday

I'm not a happy camper. Mom's been busy all weekend getting ready to go some place called "Hawaii". I don't understand why she would want to leave, I mean, I'm here, not in Hawaii! And to top it off, she has been too busy to help me blog or visit my blog friends. And even worse, Kavan is back to feeling like his usual irritating self. So I'm not getting the attention I deserve.

She is going with her mom, aunt and uncle on Wednesday for an ENTIRE WEEK! She is leaving us here with Dad, and while we love Dad, he is just not Mom.

Just what is the fascination with humans for wanting to go anyplace other than HOME??? She better get our Halloween costume entry in on time....


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Tara, I'm sorry to hear your mom is going away. I can sympathize. My humans are going to be in Lisbon this week. :( The cat sitter takes very good care of me, but I still don't like being left here. I don't know why humans have this need to go to other places.

Daisy said...

Oh no! Your mom is doing the same thing my Mommie done to me! Left me all alone with just my Daddie to take care of me. Do not worry, the week will be over before you know it.

Parker said...

Tara, that sux! I have no idea why our folks would want to go to a place that we won't be! I mean, well, just look at us! We are the best thing going! It makes no sense!

Leslie said...

I know! Same here - we got left behind to while She went on a trip!
Snot fair!
From TIgger, Pyewacket and Trixie

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Tara!! This has been happening much too often lately!
Maybe Mom's are silly.They have to go away so they can realize how much they miss is.Just tell her to bring you a nice present.
Good luck with Dad!

Boy said...

Oh dear, poor Tawa! Feel fwee to teweport over anytime you feel bored.

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Tara, you do look crabilated.

beans need leashes to keep them close.

The Furry Fighter said...

i sympathise, i really do! my bean has just spoken to a cat-sitter cos she is going to Vienna for a few days soon...i am not happy either!

Tara - your brother Kavan came by my blog, please could you thank him! xxx

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hmf, we think der should be a law about mommies leaving der kitties. Tho, da nefew stayed wif us da last time and it was grate fur us. He din't do any "housework" which left more time to pay attenchun to us. And he skwished da stinky goodness just da way mom does. But it was still nice to get mom back.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tara,

I so know how you feel.I hate when my mom goes away.Don't the humans know their place is at home with us kitty's.

Gemini said...

Oh Tara, that sounds horrible for you! I hope that the time goes fast!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

tar, you can come ofur and stay wif me and you can bring yer stinky little brofur too if yew want. tell mommie to haf fun in ha-why-ee

Mr. Hendrix said...

aw, I don't understand why beans want to leave us either. sigh. I'll send good thoughts your way all week.

Anonymous said...

That's a bunch of crap! How can she leave you for a whole week. If you want, you can come over to my place and hang out.

Laura W said...

One of the main reasons I consented to allowing this freaky family to adopt me is because the Mosaic Cats told me they never let Mosaic Lady go ANYWHERE. Overnight. Without them. As a matter of fact, she has been invited to the SC beach for Christmas, and her friends know better than to expect her to come alone, so all four of us and Mosaic Dawg get to go too! Can you imagine? Of course you can!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Wow ... That sucks. Let's hope that your dad can handle the cat duties while your momma is AWOL from your house.

A whole week?!? Horrible ...


PeeSss: You have to look a little more put out if you're gonna sulk effectively.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Dear.....
Let me give you a big hug~!
I will be here waiting for you~!!
Don't be so sad~!!!! It would be ok~!!!

Lux said...

I'm so sorry to hear this, Tara. It doesn't make sense that beans would want to be anywhere away from us ... maybe she HAS to go, she's being forced to ... ?

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh man, no fair! Why can't she take you with her! We'll teleport over to visit while she is gone. Daddy will take good care of you.
Your FL furiends,

Pumpkin said...

Tara, if I see her, I'll tell her that yore not happy to be left home with only Kavan and yore Dad to keep yoo company. Hey, maybe she'll bring home sum purty Hah-why-an dresses and a flower lei fur yoo! Well at leese I hope she haz fun heer. The weather is vury nice rite now.