Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Aloha Mom and Meezer rule

Mom's off to Honolulu, leaving at O-dark thirty with her mom, aunt and uncle. I can't believe she is leaving me with Kavan and Dad for an entire week! And she decided not to enter us in Skeezix's Halloween costume contest, even though I have a great costume! She said it was because she wouldn't be around to help me vote, so it wasn't fair. I think she was just too lazy.

Don't forget about me, I probably won't be visiting much while she is gone.

Meezer Rule: If Mom leaves for an extended period, when she returns, withhold all rubs, purrs and head butts until you get your expected mother-load of presents. Then act like "Of course these are for me", and walk away in a huff. Only later break down and get those week's worth of pets that you really wanted.


Lux said...

Who could forget about you, Tara? Maybe you can talk your dad into giving you & Kavan a whole bunch of treats!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hope yoor mom has a safe and wunnerful trip! Yoor right, when she gets back yoo hafta ignore her fur as long as yoo can (dis is usually about 2 seconds) and she better bring yoo presents.

The Cat Realm said...

How wonderful for you Mom - My maid loves Hawai'i, she even dances the hula... We listen to A LOT of Hawaiian music...
But not to enter you in the Halloween contest - that is NOT right! I am so sorry for you. Bite her when she comes back!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I won't forget about you, you are the sweetest and beautiful meezers that I have known in this world~!!!!!!

Please ask your mommy come home soon~! I already miss you~!

Christine and FAZ said...

She might bring you back one of those hula hula skirts though. FAZ

Parker said...

Awwww Tara, I hope time passes quickly and that you get the biggest stash of treats ever!

Leslie said...

Oh I'm so sorry. Mine just did that, fancy Her going to Italy and Dubai and leaving ME! Oh, but I still really love the Big Boy best. And he loves me best too.

ZOOLATRY said...

Safe travel. Stop and visit Pumpkin's World while you're there... and bring back a lei for the meezer.

Honey P. Sunshine said...

wait till yer momiie comes home and brings you all kinds of prezzies

LZ said...

Nip. Make her get the good stuff. I hope you do post your costume anyway, I'd love to see it!! Lucky mom you have!


None said...

This is a mighty good rule Tara, good luck this week! I will miss your presence ... and Kavan's!


The Meezers or Billy said...

hope your mommy has a great trip. we can never last more than about 30 seconds being mad at mommy when she comes home from a trip.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We agree totally with that rule! We hope your Mommy has fun on her trip, but we are sorry that you are being left. We'll teleyport over and keep you company some if you want.

Gemini said...

OH I couldn't wait when Momma came home. I immediately demanded lots of runs and scritches.

Tybalt said...

Tara, we think alike! I ignored my mommy when she came back home and taught her a lesson. I don't think she'll be leaving me again anytime soon.

If you need a break, you can always come visit us. We have new mousies and jingly balls, and mommy said she'd get me some more of my favorite dairy temptations!

Fat Eric said...

Hope your mum has a good trip. Even if she is away, I hope you and Kavan will teleport over to my purrthday party on Friday!

Daisy said...

Tara, I know exactly how you feel! Daddies are just not the same as Mommies.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tara,

The nerve of her.Humans are hard to train.Not entering you in the contest
definitely is not good.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

oh Tara that rule is MADE for yoU!!!! Well done my meezer amigo x

Mickey's Musings said...

So many Mom's going away!!
I hope she took an extra case just for your presents!!!
It's gonna be too hard to ignore her when she comes back cause you want to see the goodies!

Anonymous said...

At least she isn't taking Dad with her. That way you have someone home with you.

Around Your Wrist said...

poor tara. do you think you'll be able to withhold the love when she comes back? i usually can't.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

This is an excellent rule that you'll have to teach me, sistah. I am too soft-hearted to give the cold-shoulder treatment when mommy and daddy return from vacation....


Cat Naps in Italy said...

Hope your mum has a wonderful time on vacation. If you need a break from your brother, you are welcome to come stay with us in Italy. We will even make you some seafood pasta!

Opus and Roscoe

Poppy Q said...

Tara i hopes your mummy has a great time in honolululululu.

I loved the photo of your silly brudder getting spun around in the air. What a crazy dude.

The Crew said...

I agree completely. If "someone" goes off and leaves you & Kavan for a whole week, "someone" better bring back a boatload of presents!


Kimo and Sabi said...

We're not gonna be in da Halloween costume contest either! Our moms are party poopers!

zevo hussein calamari said...

Come to our party!

The Cat Realm said...

Oh bummer - she's still in Hawai'i...
Aloha from Karl

Saikou - Siamese and Oriental Cats and Kittens said...

I hope your Mum has a splendid time!