Sunday, October 14, 2007

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Aw, Sunday mornings.....they are great.

This is about as close as Kavan and I come to snuggling.

But let me tell you, he has toxic farts! He finally got past the poo prints through the house stage, but he is constantly letting one out that I got to get away from. And he called me tubby! So I nominate Kavan to Baby Mao's Smelly Cat Club!

Moooommmm, Tara is picking on me!!

Kavan, you deserved it.....


Lux said...

That bed of yours look quite cushy! Enjoy your Sunday morning!

P.S. When Silky came to live with us, she had the same problem. Mom fed her some plain organic yogurt, and almost immediately the farts stopped! Not sure if that would work for every cat, but it sure was a miracle for Silky!

Anonymous said...

You guys are so cute, even when you pick on each other, you are cute.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is very very sweet of you and Tara~!! I am very very happy for you~!!!!

Seeing you snuggle together let my mood shiny~!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Oh, beautiful regal graceful siamese Tara.

I am so sorry for yesterdays indiscretion. Of COURSE you are not tubby, I just got carried away.

Blame your stinky little brother - that's what I do!

By the way, I think Baby Mao is being ridiculous with his Smelly Cats Club! But there you go, not much I can do about it!

Mickey's Musings said...

I love the pics .You "look" like fast friends. too bad about the stinky part,heehee

ZOOLATRY said...

Yaaawwwwwwwwwwnnn... ah sweet Sunday sleep in time.

Monty Q. Kat said...

I've run a few beans out of a room before...

Nice bed! How is it holding up?

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Greetings oh regal and distinctly UN TUBBY one..please accept the I Love Your Blog award...given with heartfelt admiration, I can assure you.

You look rather svelte today might I add.

He he xx

sammawow said...

Oh, you two are adorable with your "almost" snuggling! Hope it doesn't get too stinky, Tara!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Boy said...

Hahaha....smewwy cat cwub!
I farted in fwont of mine Mummy once and she almost fainted. And then she told the whole world! That was so embawassing!

Jimmy Joe said...

I hope you get some good Sunday napping in today without any Kavan farts, Tara. I think you're in very good shape.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Parker said...

Phew - Watch where you nap girlfriend - stay downwind!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Looks like a nice quiet Sunday (sorry about the smelly thing). Hope you both had a wonderful weekend.

Opus and Roscoe

Honey P. Sunshine said...

those are just baby kitty farts, he will grow out of it, i hope for your sake

Samantha & Mom said...

Ah, you two look so cute almost snuggling. And wow Kavan has gotten so big. So sorry about his problem and he sounds like a perfect cat for Baby Mao's new Club!!
Your FL furiends,

Gemini said...

Oh you two looked so cute together! I am laughing about the Smelly Cat Club!!!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We are pleased that you two hang out together at least a little... sort of.

Luxie's solution sounds like a good one. I had a problem with farts back in the day, but now my poops are just toxic. Mom has to scoop right away or they permeate the whole house.. both floors.

Purrrs, Prinnie

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Speedy had that problem when he furst came to live here, it's gotten less but hasn't completely gone away. Dat bed yoo got looks really comfy.

The Furry Fighter said...

hahhaa - farty-pants Kavan! he definitely belongs in the smelly club Tara!

i am very impressed about your stairway perch - i HATE heights, so much so I panic when I am picked up...! xxx

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Oh wow, Rosie let's owt stinkies tooo! Thay are sooo bad...yuckie yuckie yuckie, Kevan. -Cheeto

Oh, Kevan, don't wurrie. Stinkies are a sine that yoo like whare yoo live and yoo feel comfurtabul enuff to relax thare, that's what my lady always says. -Rosie

The Wanderer said...

Our annoying little sister has the toots too! We thinks its an annoying little sibling trait and we thinks they do it on purpose!!!!