Saturday, November 17, 2007


Mom's FINALLY home! She got home last night. I was really mad at her, and I let her know it when she got home. I glared at her, and let her know in no uncertain terms I was not happy she was gone. Kavan, on the other hand, acted like nothing had happened, and it was business as usual. Well, Mom gave me some Temptations, and then, even though it as 9 pm, she put my harness on and took me for a walk in the cul-de-sac. Well, I broke down and forgave her. I rubbed all over her, got tummy rubs, and just some great love. Dad took good care of us, but I am so happy mom is home.


DK & The Fluffies said...

I wish my DKM was home...

Fat Eric said...

I am glad your mum got home OK. I just watched the film of Kavan watching TV - he really was enjoying himself! I think he needs a post of his own to sit on.

Daisy said...

Hooray! I am glad your mom got home. Guess what? We got your package, and I LOVE my new Barbie princess feather wand! Thank you ever so much!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Awe, it was good yoor mom took you fur a walk. How long would it have taken you to forgive her if she hadn't?

Parker said...

It's hard to stay mad - Mom's are pretty special. I totally understand!

Samantha & Mom said...

Mom's are great and it is no fun when they are away! Get all the snuggle and attention you can!
Your FL furiends,

Gemini said...

I am furry glad you Momma is home to. It's just not the same without them.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We're glad ou decided to relent an be nice to Mom again. Doin regular "happy stuff" will do that. ;)

Mosaic Cats said...

Thanks so much for the tunnel referral!
We will insist that we order one NOW!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Yup, Moms are speshul an you can't stay mad at 'em fur long. I can hardly believe beans walked on the moon! And didn't take any cats!!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

dads do take good care of us, but mommies are the bestest

Anonymous said...


Honey P. Sunshine said...

yeah, dats great dat da mommie is finally home, is she gonna make turkey for yew this week?

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Tara, sometimes it's hard to keep up the ol' cold shoulder trick because you really ARE glad that your person is back home. I wish there were an effective way to keep them from leaving us in the first place.
