Monday, November 12, 2007

Meezer Movie Monday

Kavan loves to watch nature shows. Unfortunately, he likes to do that on the top level of our scratching post, which of course is mine.

Kavan was teleporting his thoughts to Dad (well, maybe missing the bad words). Good for him he finally got of my top spot.

Mom is leaving for New York and DC today. She will be gone until Friday. The nerve! She just got back from Hawaii. Never mind that it is to earn green papers to keep me and Kavan in the style for which we have become accustomed. She should be home!


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

We all have to compromise - at least your mommie earns enough to keep you in style but SS is away ALL day doing a thesis on a scholarship that's not even keeping her, let alone me, in any style. One crazy female! *Sigh*

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

You show him, lil sis!! I like your authoritative way that you taught him a good lesson.

I agree with you, mommies should always stay home to do our bidding. I guess you'll just have to avenge this wrong by dragging dirty socks around the house. Would you like me to teleport over and show you how??


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Great movie! I was watching the video intently - almost as mesmerized by the wildlife as Kavan was. Well, he was enthralled by the wildlife until you attacked him, Tara. I guess you will just have to share the top platform of the scratching post.

Leslie said...

We had far too much wildlife here today. Big black hairy spider inside and then one in the rubbish bin when we lifted the lid up.
She says it's BAYGON TIME!

Parker said...

I guess you got your point across! I hope you Mommy has better flights than mine did last week!

Unknown said...

Dats a funny video. We think that after watching da wildlife videos, Kavan thinks that he is a wild hunter cat.

The Meezers or Billy said...

you show him Tara!!! hee hee. think he learned his lesson?

Honey P. Sunshine said...

ha ha ha....kavan

Monty Q. Kat said...

To think a prince could sit higher than a Queen. ;)

Tybalt said...

Kavan, I love to watch tv, too! My favorites are cartoons, but I will watch Animal Planet as well.

My sisters and I fight for our favorite spots every so often. I feel for both you and Tara.

LZ said...

I'll look after your mom while she's in my area. I really would love to meet her someday! Our weather is crappy right now so I'm sure she'll be dreaming of you.


Gemini said...

I am so sorry that your Momma is going to be gone again! That's horrible!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Sorry yoor mom is leaving we feel bad complaining dat our mom leeves us fur hours. Mom gots us a bigger window perch but we can't sit on it together cuz Speedy is too fat, um, I mean big. Yeah, dat's it, he's a big mancat...

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

I was never watched TVs before like that until this weekend. Daddy got a new toy, its called a "Big Screen". Momma and daddy thought it was funny that I was pawing at the little creatures daddy was somehow making run on the screen.

Daisy said...

That was so cute to see Kavan watch the nature show! You were smart to distract Kavan when the vishus deer relatives came on the screen.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Wow ... Gone again?!? Your momma sure doesn't stay home much. I can understand why you're upset.

Perhaps you should get a second scratching post so that BOTH of you can watch tv?


The Furry Fighter said...

you need to come to my house and watch nature films wiv me! i love them too and sit in front of the TV just like you do! :) castle will not disturb us either, he knows better...:)

Mickey's Musings said...

Boy,Kavan really gets into those nature shows!!
I can see it gets him all riled up too,heehee.
Sorry yer Mom is going away.Maybe she'll bring back a present, or yer dad will spoil you :)

Kimo and Sabi said...

Git 'em Tara! He should not be allowed to block da TV like that!

The Furry Kids said...

That is a cool movie!

I can't believe your mom is leaving again. That is no way to treat a Princess Meezer!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh this is a great movie.
Kavan is silly to watch tv, doesn't he know that it is bad for you? I don't know why... I heard you could turn into a potato...?

You did a super great job there Tara.

I hope your mommie misses her flight and has to stay home.. This is just terrible news. Besure to trash the place if she ends up gone the whole time.

MaoMao said...

Wowie, that is a kool movie! I liked watchin you watch the wildlife -- and I like watchin the wildlife, too! Then I laffed to see you and Kavan tusslin. Me and Dorydoo do a lot of that, too!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

You are amazing Kavan, I don't figure the program as you did~!!!! But according your active, I think you do~!!! That is very smart of you~!!

I hope your mommy return soon, I bet she misses you right now :)

None said...

So much suspense! Loved your collaborative movie. It's too bad your mommy is leaving again, maybe she will bring you gifts when she gets back like my mommy did.

Enjoy being Queen of the post!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

it is nice of you to let Kavan share yer favorite spot Princess Tara. It looks like he really does luv those nature shows. ~The Fluffy Tribe

The Fluffy Tribe said...

heeheee ~Shadow of the Fluffy TRibe

Jimmy Joe said...

Wow, Kavan has a really good attention span. That is very impressive.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Joey said...

HI Kavan, it's me Joey! I like your TV watching platform. That TV box is very interesting. I like how the stuff inside it moves around. I think I need a platform like yours so I can get a closer view.

The Cat Realm said...

My maid wants your maid (a.k.a. MOM) to explain in detail how she manages to go to Hawai'i and New York and DC to EARN green paper. When the maid goes there she usually has to SPEND green papers.
I'd be interested too because there is always a shortage of green paper here - at least that's what we get as an explanation as why we aren't fed caviar and wild salmon everyday....

Anonymous said...

Are those vishus deer?

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

I've tagged you for a meme!



Just wanted to fank you and let yu know we got your package...Momma got all kinds of pixchurs and now she has to git them offa the flashy box onto the compoodle...I went crazy over all dat nip!

Woo woo

The Crew said...

I agree Tara. My Mom leaves us much too often. I think she should stay home so we can play.

Your friend

The Crew said...

About the shelf thing, may I offer a suggestion Tara? Kavan should ask for a scratching post of his own. That way you both can have a top shelf without having to share.


The Cat Realm said...

Oh my - your Mom's still gone? You can always teleport over and hang out with us!

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

you show him tara who the boss i was wondering if you could email me an adress i like to send you hoilday card wiff costom postage

Lilly Lu