Well, yesterday's hunt was a bust, other than the alien (it was that green shiny metal thing in the third picture, Mom said it was just a squashed soda can, but I knew better). Today, things got off to an encouraging start. I couldn't believe, Kavan found a fly!

I had to show Kavan how to torture..eh..play with it correctly. However, it wasn't very challenging, it was moving like molasses...even Kavan could catch it. Just because it was 40 degrees outside was no excuse not to play properly! But then, I heard something very exciting and looked up, when I looked back, Kavan was licking his chops....no time, had to run over to the wood pile to see what the noise was...

Look at this huge bird! I couldn't believe my eyes!

Kavan and I ran over to the far corner of the yard. Mom was still on the other end near the wood pile........

Then it happened. Kavan couldn't stand it and jumped, yes JUMPED, onto the edge of the fence facing the open space! (It is lower than standard so Mom and Dad can see the view). Mom screamed NO KAVAN!!, dropped her coffee, and ran towards us, with all sorts of bad words coming out of her mouth. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! Well, that's all it took, over he went. More bad words about Dad not putting a gate going to the open space. I've never seen Mom move so fast, she hauled her fat ...eh...she jumped over that fence like a gazelle, thats right, a gazelle. Which was interesting, as she was in her Burkenstocks with fuzzy gray socks, black sweat pants, a heavy green coat, green fuzzy ear muffs, brown mittens with white snow flakes on the knuckles, and a black ball cap that said NEW YORK. Once he got on the other side, Kavan couldn't believe what came over the fence towards him, so started to hide in the rabbit brush, but was a little scared of it. Mom scoped him up, then dropped him back over on our side of the fence. Then I watched as this alien come over the fence towards me! I needed to protect Kavan! I fluffed up as big as I could and GROWLED! You can't convince me that was Mom, she was abducted in the open space! This green alien in fuzzy ear muffs scoped both of us up and hauled us inside, saying words like "No more outside for either of you for a while". Then the alien peeled off all of those strange clothes, and gave Mom back to us. This was all Kavan's fault!

We better get to go outside again, you little woose!
Holy chit Kavan! Yoor lucky yoor mom can jump dat fense...yoo could have been hurt out der! We'z shaking just thinking about it.
Oah My God....Kavan......
You make your mommy become a flashwoman~!!! Never do that again.......
Kavan, that's not the way to ensure you get holiday treats!
Oh no, Kavan, that wasn't a very smart thing to do. Tara, maybe you can convince your mom to let you go out in the yard on your harness and leash? When my mom was growing up, her Meezer Whiskers was allowed out in the yard, and they added a long rope onto the end of his leash, so he was able to wander more freely in their yard. Maybe your mom can do the same for you.
Wow,now that was an adventure. To bad Kavan got you both grounded :(
Mom laughed so hard when you said she dropped her coffee and came running.(probably since she reacts that way too )
Maybe ,if you both have good behavior,you will get sprung soon ;)
Silly humans. They should know fences can't keep us in!
crappity crap crap crap Kavan! open space and alien abdukshuns! that place is NOT SAFE.
Momma says she is glad that Kavan was found. I am glad too, but I understand why you all would be afraid of your Momma when she acted like that.
Oh that was bad. I too tried to escape but not like that, I just walked to the open door. Ohh....I bet Kavan is quite grounded!!!
Oh wow - what an adventure you guys had! Kavan escaping, aliens abducting your Mommy - just wow!!
Wow Kavan! That was very scary! Please don't do that again. What would happen if your mommy couldn't find you?!
Boys get into so much trouble! It was very Wrong of Kavan to jump over the fence like that. Thank goodness your mom captured him in time.
haha Kavan you are a nightmare! hahah x
Crikey! Our Mom is yelling BAD CAT! We think your Mom is wonderful to go over that huge fence to get you. She is our hero!
Round of applause for your mom!!! Yay!!!
P.S. We are so glad she did that and got you back!! You are precious!
Mommy is a super hero!!
Did your mommy hear that song from Wonder Woman playing in her head? That must've been crazy wild to see.
Kavan, you must never do that again. You don't get extra treats when you scare the beans. We would never want anything to happen to you either!
I think maybe you should take a break from alien hunting just for a while until things settle down in the field...
PS did your mommy make your daddy get that fence up to block the open space yet? ha ha ha
cripes alive Kavan! what a scare! your local aliens dress really weird from the sound of things ;)
Tara - are you sure you didn't encourage Kavan so he would get into trouble...that sounds like a very meezer-y thing to do xxx
ps - glad you are both safe :)
Wow that sound like a crazy experience! It reminds me of the time I was laying next to an open window with a screen. I was playing with the screen & it just popped out! So I decided to go play in the back yard. Momma panicked & our back door has to have a key to open it so she climbed though the window after me. I thought I was in trouble so I ran & tried to jump the fence, missed and then momma caught me. She was not a happy momma.
WOWY - whut an adventure! Yer mom should put a kitty t-shirt on Kavan (it will restrict his jumping a little).
Kavan. He is a wild trubble maker.
boy kitties. What's new?
purrrrs for your suffering
<3 Prinnie
What an adventure Kavan! Guy once had an adventure like that only it involved a stroll out the front door in between ma's feet. He stopped two inches out the door to smell the bushes. Ma was more upset then Guy.
We love flies. The Big Thing WHAPS them real serious. We love to soft-whap them so we can play wif them more.
santa is gonna find out about this
I don't get to go hunting. It's no fair!
HAHAHA Kavan, our moms are too funny! The other night mine ran all over the neighborhood in her nightshirt, barefoot, in freezing weather, and almost got hit by a car, chasing Fracas. She brought him inside and put him on the floor ... and Fracas ran up to him and whapped him! The outside cat wasn't Fracas!!
Oh my goodness, what a scary day. You're right, it IS Kavan's fault.
Holy crap! You guys are not having the best vacation!
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